Sunday, February 1, 2009


After Kristine's episode two weeks ago Thursday her neurologist put her on an antiseizure medication. His concern is that having had one seizure Kristine is now at a higher risk of having another. Kristine took the medication as directed for a few days, but almost immediately she experienced some adverse effects. She was getting very dizzy, began to get depressed and started having increased problems with her muscle coordination -- a concern given her current physical state. Kristine, frustrated with the side effects, stopped taking the pill and experienced instant relief from the past days' symptoms. We have an appointment with Dr. Lee on Monday to discuss the medication and Kristine's next steps. The doctor will likely encourage Kristine to continue taking the medication for fear of reoccurance, however, it is unlikely that Kristine will take heed of his advise.

This past Wednesday we met with our cardialogist Dr. Miles to discuss Kristine's heart pauses and another of her medications. The doctor urged her to get a 24 hour halter monitor hooked up to measure her heart rate over and encouraged her to remain on the medication until we could review the results. As you may recall, the premise driving the medication began after Kristine's brain surgery when the doctors found that her heart experienced occational pauses. At the time they recommended installation of a pacemaker to prevent a more prolonged pause that could cause Kristine to faint or, in a more unlikely but serious scenario, for her heart to stop altogether. Kristine chose to go on the medication in lieu of the pacemaker. In our Wednesday meeting with the doctor Kristine insisted that she go off of the drug. Dr. Miles again reiterated the risks of doing so. Kristine responsed to the doctor's rebuttel explaining that she wanted to deal with it if and when more serious problems occur, the most likely of which (fainting) seemed managable. He had trouble disagreeing with her argument.

In both cases, discontinuing the medications did a great deal to make Kristine feel better emotionally and physically and she is feeling quite a bit better. From her standpoint she is fighting against the odds of an abbreviated life, so living miserably with the side effects of drugs that simly aim to prevent small incremental risk of death doesn't make a whole lot of sense. So for now she'll stay off as much medication as she can to feel as good as she can and focus on staying strong.


  1. Kristine & Ryan,
    We'll be thinking of you today...wishing you the best. So good to read the news that you're feeling better..and no medication.
    Stay strong! Sending lots of love from Michigan.
    Jill, J.D., Lauren & Andrew

  2. Kristine,
    I continue to be humbled by the experiences you face and the grace with which you handle them. I want to be you when I grow up! You and Ryan are in my thoughts and prayers as usual.

  3. i am so glad you are feeling better. you look great too! you are so strong to take charge of this illness and make these decisions with your heart. i am so proud of you.

    love, jeanna

  4. Kristine,
    I hope you are up for a visit soon. I would love to see you. In the meantime, I am thinking of you often and wishing you good things in the new year.
    Elizabeth Trout

  5. Kristine,

    I am very glad to here that you are feeling better. I still continue to pray for the both of you. If there is anything that I can do to help out with you in next few weeks let me no, we are slow at work so there are some days that I have off. I will try to get in touch with you guys also. Well you keep up the fight Kristine.

    Love Ya,

  6. Dear Ryan and Kristine,
    We are all thinking of you daily. Stay strong and think positive. Glad to hear that you are feeling better, I wish sometimes that I could be as strong as both of you :)
    Love to you,
    Dick Jane and the boys

  7. You know I'm a huge fan of medications but it sounds like you're making the right choice to take as few as possible. Scary scary side-effects! Wishing my girl was with me in London (or some equally cool spot) for THIS birthday... having curry and thinking of you!

  8. Kristine and Ryan,

    It was wonderful to see you both last night. Dinner was fabulous, thank you Liz, but the company was even more amazing! It was very nice meeting Shannon. Have a great weekend.
    P.S. Ruby was exhausted this morning....all that playing with Rufus! Ha ha
