Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Queen of Moderation

Hi Everyone!!

It has been awhile since I have posted anything on the blog. I have to be honest and say that we were not getting a lot of comments and I felt like maybe people had just stopped reading. I guess this blog works both ways. When you guys come and check everyday to see if we have written anything and see nothing, then you start to check every other day and then once a is the same for us. After we write a blog we go on and check for comments to see if anyone has anything to say or add. It motivates us when we see that people are still out there. So a few days ago Ryan updated the blog and we can now see how often people visit the site and where they live. Very cool! It was amazing to see all of the support out there. Over 50 people check this blog everyday. Thank-you all for staying with us. We will try and stay on top of our site a little more now that we know you are all still out there. Some of you tell me that your comments feel silly saying the same things over and over, but we don't care we love them!! Keep them coming.

Another reason I have not been writing is that I am in the middle of three books right now. They all have to do with our environment, nutrition and diet. I am tyring to become as informed as possible so I can help myself stay motivated with my very strict diet regimen. I have so much I want to share with you but I really feel like I need to digest it all before I just start throwing information out at you. For instance, I have a lot more to say about the dairy subject but I have not pulled all my thoughts together. So I plan on returning to that topic at a later
date. So for now I am just going to write about anything that appeals to me and The Queen of Moderation is something I have been wanting to write about for a long time.

Everything in moderation. That has been my motto my whole life. Whenever people would talk about health and nutrition I would respond with the everything in moderation quote. I remember when I used to say that I thought the reason people got cancer or life threatening diseases was because they drank 10 cups of coffee a day, or drank tons of diet drinks with artificial sweeteners, or just plain didn't take care of themselves. It was never going to happen to me because I did EVERYTHING in moderation!! I didn't smoke, drank only socially, soda's were a rarity, I was never sick, exercised regularly, ate salads for lunch (O.K. they were smothered with Blue Cheese dressing.) and just didn't do anything excessively. I thought this was the secret to a long healthy life. I never thought I would get cancer. Actually I could have picked out a few people in my life that I thought were at risk. So saying I was shocked when I was diagnosed is an understatement.

Now that I have been living in the world of cancer for over a year. I have met a ton of people just like me. Moderation was their middle name as well. I guess I am telling you this because it has now become one of those sayings that rub me the wrong way. You can not hide behind moderation. I am living proof that it doesn't work. You need to take care of your body and pay attention to the things you put in it. Please don't just read the things we write and then go back to your old way of doing things without thinking of the consequences. However, if you do, I understand. I look back over my life and remember the warnings about the slippery slope I was on and paid no attention. I thought those warnings were for other people.

The only thing that really bothers me is children. Most of you are adults and make your own decisions but the few of you who are making decisions for children really need to pay attention. My friends and family would do anything for their children. They bend over backwards to make sure their children are happy. They get them the best everything. Any of you that have children know how much time you spent looking for good schools. Take half of that time and look at what you are feeding them. There is a reason that cancer has jumped from 3%-20% in the last hundred years just in children. It isn't their pack a day smoking habit! I hear every excuse from my mom friends. I know how difficult it can be to feed a child something they don't want. I was the pickiest eater alive. I am sure my Mother can back me up on this one. Now I wonder if the lack of nutrition in my early years had something to do with my weak immune system.

I no longer call myself the Queen of Moderation. My life has become a bit excessive, in a good way. Eating a raw vegan diet isn't easy. I fall off the wagon sometimes just like any of you would on any kind of diet. However, everyday it gets easier and I have fewer and fewer cravings. I can taste the difference when a vegetable is organic. I am thinking that maybe my new motto will be the Goddess of Excess. Sounds good!


  1. Kristine - I know you can tell now, but I'm one of those people who checks your blog everyday! And I have may not have commented on the blog publicly, but I have discussed Ryan's posting (and many of your others) ALOT with friends and family. Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention - I may not be ready to make any drastic changes, but I'm paying attention now.So please keep writing!
    Love Danielle (CSC)

  2. consider yourself commented! keep the posts coming!

  3. Hi Kristine, The info is amazing. It wouldn't surprise me to see a book written by you and Ryan. You both have a fantastic way of getting your thoughts and findings across. Thanks !!

    How have you been ?? How are you feeling.......up, down, outstanding or just hangin. I wanted to get a feel for how YOU are right now ?? You sound great, but I want your feeling.

    Happy Trails, keep em comin,
    Love Bill & Vicki

  4. CANCER SUCKS! Kids with cancer is heartbreaking and I often wonder what all the links much we just do not know. Everytime I feed Hannah something I wonder about it even though its organic. Everytime we go out I put sunscreen on her or a hat. We just enrolled her in an accredited Christian private school that she starts in August and she will be ONLY 10 Months. I read to her as much as I can and we take her to music class on Sundays hoping it helps her math skills. Like you I read everything I can get my hands on but they are parenting books to figure out conflict, development, health, etc for HER. I try to be a better person everyday so that I can be an example for her and change all my bad habits or thoughts so she doesn't incorporate them. I even have Biff reading books like Strong Father, Strong Daughters. I hope one day I will be her inspiration and I will tell her that her Aunt Kristine is mine. I wish we did half as much for ourselves. I read all the blogs and catch up a few weeks at a time. I am constantly challenged by your words and always thought provoked. I will always try to be better and feel like "real" life "started" after she was born, everything I did up to that point gets erased and I get a "do-over"-you are getting a "do-over" and I am so proud that you are making the most of what is out there to learn and make and continue to keep you healthy. Many people go back to their old habits after a year of being cancer free (like mom). I had some very strongs words with her today and said that "Kristine is the example to follow and that everyone has learned so much from her experiences over the last year in so many areas of life (relationships, emotions, goals, health, strengths, priorities, etc) and she needed to get with the program." so now I am ranting because H is asleep and I am into 2nd glass of wine (organic by the way) and want you to know I love you and I take everything you say to heart. I don't do enough but I try and I appreciate all you contribute to my life. Please keep sending blogs and I will work on taking as good of care of myself as I do of Hannah! :) And you keep up the great work and I am looking forward to eating grass tacos when I come to visit. Love and Kisses to you both. I miss you alot! CF

  5. Hi Kristine and Ryan,
    I too am one of those people that checks your blog everyday or at least every other day. You are both very inspirational to me!!! Keep on Blogging!
    I am sending you lots of prayers and Well wishes.!! Keep on keepin on!!
    Maureen from Michigan

  6. Hi guys,
    Always great to log on and catch up with you "blog-style". It's great to get your updates, and I'll try to be better about leaving comments. I read Ryan's last entry, and found it all verrrrrry interesting. I'm trying to decide the best way for me to cut back on the dairy. I don't like soymilk, but I have actually switched to rice milk. It's a start...
    Summer will be here soon--I hope to see you at the beach! BTW--Kristine, the opera was TERRIBLE, so you didn't miss a thing!

    Much love,

  7. Hi Kristine and Ryan - I live in Boston and am a friend of one of Ryan's colleagues who has mentioned your plight to me in the past, and I am very very sorry for what you are facing. Your blog is incredibly inspiring and I'm glad that you have turned to an area of health (nutrition) that is CRITIAL and most physician/people in this country know very little (to nothing) about. I read the China Study when it was published and my father in law knows the author from Cornell. It's amazing, substantiative work that I can't see how anyone - regardless of what side of the fence you are on - can refute. I'm curious about your raw approach...what are you reading that supports the one step further of raw vs. just vegetarianism and no dairy. If you feel like responding, great! If not I understand. I think it's great you are focusing your energy here, keep up the great work!

  8. Hi Kristine and Ryan - I live in Boston and am a friend of one of Ryan's colleagues who has mentioned your plight to me in the past, and I am very very sorry for what you are facing. Your blog is incredibly inspiring and I'm glad that you have turned to an area of health (nutrition) that is CRITIAL and most physician/people in this country know very little (to nothing) about. I read the China Study when it was published and my father in law knows the author from Cornell. It's amazing, substantiative work that I can't see how anyone - regardless of what side of the fence you are on - can refute. I'm curious about your raw approach...what are you reading that supports the one step further of raw vs. just vegetarianism and no dairy. If you feel like responding, great! If not I understand. I think it's great you are focusing your energy here, keep up the great work!

  9. Kristine,
    I'm another friend who checks your blog quite often. I appreciate all that you have shared with all of us. Of course I like the new, happier, healthy posts much better. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to seeing you this summer!
    Love, Jill

  10. Hi Kristine,

    Just wanted to let you know that I've checked into the stuff you put in your postings and have started to use the information with my toddler and with my patients.

    I am very happy that you are doing well and feeling good overall. All of my best, warmest wishes.

    Sara LaFleur (Collette's neighbor)

  11. Hi Kristine. It's been quite a while since I have posted. much to think about. Like everyone else, I think the information is astonishing and I am trying to wrap myself around it. I have to admit, everytime I put something in the microwave or pour a glass of milk I think "What am I doing, I have this knowledge and I still do it?" I have been making some changes and will strive to make more, especially with my kids. I don't know if you are aware, but one of our high school friends just found out her daughter (6 yrs.) has cancer. I don't want to post about it for the sake of her privacy, but email me and I will share what I know if you'd like. Anyway, please know your information is well received and as I have stated before, Ryan you are a captivating writer....keep up the blogs!!! Love and hope to hear from you soon, Ann =)

  12. Kristine,
    I promise you that I, too, have been following your blogs with great regularity. After living with my dad's cancer for the past 15 years (and the continual secondary issues that continue to be an issue for him) I have been on a quest to purify our lives, nutritionally. Thanks for the information, the encouragement, and the much-needed kick in the pants to NOT let this all-important change fall by the wayside simply because it is easier to eat the crap than to make a lifestyle overhaul. Thanks to both of you and keep the info coming!

    Lisa Stahl-Eischer, South Lyon, MI

  13. Hey Kristine,

    Please blog away! See you at the 20th!


  14. When my sons were babies, I went on a major "health kick" for a couple of years (I'm a little more laid back now). A friend had inspired me and helped feed me the information I needed to make wise decisions for the family. Whole Foods was the only grocery store for me. I had a naturopathic doctor, took the kids to holistic pediatricians, did cleanses, etc.
    etc. At the time, most other people thought I was a "granola" (which is really funny cuz I'm so NOT) and gave me funny looks when my 4 year old said he didn't eat McDonalds because of the free radicals in the hydrogenated oils. No lie. Well, the truth is finally getting out there and these are the folks now searching Kroger for organic milk! Keep spreading the word, and inspiring us to make the right choices!
    Lots of love from Missi

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi Kristine-
    I still faithfully check your blog too. Looks like you have a following. We are limited here for grocery shopping. It is tough with kids. Your previous comment about microwaves freaked me out. I'm boiling a lot more water now and popping normal popcorn. Small steps for me. Cannot wait to see you in August. First to hug you and second to meet that guy- Ryan. Keep goin girl- Julie N.

  17. I've been thinking...... everytime you have a spinach juice, or a big organic salad, or raw crackers with guacamole, think of it as medicine. When we were together we talked about croissants or other food and you said, "is it to die for?" I have been since thinking, instead of thinking that certain, occasional foods will 'ruin' your health, think again of all the amazing foods as medicine. Like chemo was supposed to be, but these are nature's cures..... So, I guess, focus on all the great things you are doing for yourself, not the occasional "mistake."
