Sunday, January 18, 2009

5 days to 3

As it turns out Kristine will not be continuing day rehab through January. Instead her rehabilitation team has decided that she would get just as much from the out-patient program. She will continue her full day program until this Friday and transition to the 3-day program the following week. Her planned schedule is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8am to 10am. I will be continuing to shuttle her to the rehabilitation center in the morning and we will continue to rely on friends to pick her up.

Kristine has been getting around pretty well on her own so her time alone at the house, though challenging, will be manageable. She will welcome guests throughout the day to break up the monotony of television, books and phone conversation and we will set up local emergency contacts for her in case of any issues. We are going to have to be even more organized headed into this next set of circumstances. Everything from making lunch to answering the door presents difficulties and hazards for Kristine. We have to ensure that things can be accessed easily and used with just one hand. It's amazing how many things we take for granted in our daily routines, things that become substantially more difficult to nearly impossible with the use of only one arm. Take washing your good arm or opening a jar for example. Even more difficult, try moving a glass of water from one room to another when doing so requires you to use your only able arm to balance your walk with a cane.

The pain and discomfort that Kristine is experiencing is impacting her mental fortitude. Her left shoulder is tight with involuntary tone while her arm hangs out of socket causing sharp pain. Her right shoulder is swollen and tight from the remaining tumors in her lymph nodes. Kristine's hot flashes have also reemerged making it difficult to regulate her temperature. The tumors in her lungs are inducing uncontrolled coughing which makes her whole body stiff and even more uncomfortable. All of these symptoms make getting through the day frustrating and exhausting. Kristine is doing an amazing job of holding herself together and fight on, but she could definitely use some reprieve.


  1. So glad to hear she is getting around much better. Sorry to hear of the discomfort she is in. Keep up the positive outlook.

  2. Kristine - glad to hear that you are moving around better. Are you planning on getting more treatment for your lungs or lymph nodes? Is Chemo an option at this time? What treatment plan are you following?

  3. Hi Kristine and Ryan,

    Thank you for the update. Every day is a challenge, but keeping fighting on! Do you need any help on the weekends? I'm available to help in any capacity. During the week is hard for me, with my Mon-Fri work schedule. Please let me know if you need anything over the weekend. Call my cell.

    Kathy and Ruby xoxo

  4. Anything I can do to help. I'm yours (at least for the next few weeks, before this thing - aka my unborn child - pops!!!) I've got a car & a babysitter tues & thurs 9 am - 1 pm. Just say the word.
    - Windy

  5. Hey--
    So good to see you last Sunday (even for 5mins!!). Can't wait for a longer visit soon. I wish there were something to give you relief from all the discomfort, but hopefully some time hanging out next week will be a welcome distraction.
    Much love,

  6. Kristine,
    would love to hang out. Let me know what time is good. Miss you tons.
    Deb (Philly Mag)

  7. Dearest Kristine and Ryan,

    I know exactly what you are going through and I will be calling. My beautiful friend and precious man....I have trusted in the universe -it's plan is pure, but it sure has a round about way of proving it, for sure.
    I am there for you 100% - Can I come out? I'll call. All My Love, Seaneen

  8. Kristine and Ryan,

    It was wonderful to see you both last night. Dinner was fabulous, thank you Liz, but the company was even more amazing! It was very nice meeting Shannon. Have a great weekend.
    P.S. Ruby was exhausted this morning....all that playing with Rufus! Ha ha
