Sunday, November 8, 2009

Burned Out

I know it has been a while since our last post and I apologize for not having written sooner. I guess I've been putting it off in hopes of having some good news to share for a change. You have to understand how frustrating it is to keep up this blog with only the rare chance to share positive news.

Kristine and I are both burned out. We're tired, frustrated and worn thin after almost 3 years of this battle. We have been hanging on to the hope and promise of a better day. A day when Kristine can live carefree again; a day without pain; a day where we don't have to worry about cancer and where in Kristine's body it will rear its ugly head next; a day when neither of us breaks into tears struggling to understand WHY this is happening; a day when we can finally just hold one another and feel safe with the idea that there's nothing imminently pulling the other away; a day when we can just live out a normal day. But our hope is being tested. We feel like we're in a dark hole with no clear exit and we're running out of time.

Over the past few weeks, several new tumors have emerged throughout Kristine's body. She now has 18 tumors of various sizes within the perimeter of the hairline on her head. She has a marble sized tumor that is growing just under her left breast with small tentacles reaching out in several directions, another small lump midway down her back just to the left of her spine and still another pea sized lump further down her back. There are three small lumps that we can feel in her abdomen accompanied by swelling and pain in her left abdominal side. Her right shoulder has swollen in size as the cancer continues to compromise the lymph nodes. The veins in her right arm and chest protrude with increased pressure as the swelling and pain limit the use of Kristine's only functional upper limb. Kristine's cough has continued to worsen and she increasingly finds herself short of breath with any moderate physical exertion.

Even scarier than the tumors that we can feel are those that we can't. We know that there are small tumors on Kristine's adrenal glands just above the kidneys, but this is based on observations of her chest scan -- a scan of the abdomen was not conducted. At this point I'm not sure that either of us wants to know. Having knowledge up until this point helped to manage our decisions. Kristine chose to radiate specific tumors before they became an issue. However, without good options to solve the problem, knowledge of additional internal tumors is just cause for greater anxiety.

Mentally, Kristine is quite volatile but increasingly more depressed. She rarely makes it through the day without breaking down in tears. Her mood is mostly affected by the pain she is experiencing. She is taking Vicodin, which seems to calm her but doesn't suppress the pain entirely. Her sedentary state, frustration with a relentless cough and other medications are all contributing factors to a weakened emotional fortitude. To keep herself from slipping into depression she preoccupies her mind with iPhone games and television shows on DVR. She has been withdrawing from conversation with friends lately as well to avoid the questions about her health. The thought of having to discuss the progress of her disease and answer questions about what she is doing next overwhelms her. She enjoys listening to others talk about what's going on in their lives, no matter how mundane, as long as it doesn't turn back into questioning about her.

Kristine is still attending Physical Therapy three days a week. This is a positive source of motivation and energy. We have lost two of our four weekday helping crew, one to reemployment and another to child care issues. One of Kristine's friends has generously stepped up to take on three days, but I'm concerned that this may be too much to ask. The way Kristine is progressing we may need to explore professional help. This, of course, comes with a huge mental stigma attached, with which Kristine will have trouble coming to terms.

We need a renewed sense of hope and change of direction. That's all for now.


  1. Ryan, thanks for the update, we are keeping Kristine and you in our prayers. Hang tough. Brian and Betsy

  2. Ryan & Kristine,
    Thanks so much for the post, no apology necessary. I think of you both each day, praying for strength & healing. Love, Jill

  3. Thanks for the update Ryan. I hope you find the answers and peace you both deserve. In the meantime, Kristine, I am great a babbling. I'm not kidding. Call me. :)

  4. Nothing is too much to ask of friends. I know of many people back here that would help in a heartbeat. I wish we were all closer. Please don't apologize, you are doing a big job. Try to find one thing to smile about everyday and pray for strength each day. Love and prayers from Michigan-Jodi

  5. Thanks for the update. We know this is tough to say the least. Let us know if you need anything. We will pray for the best for both of you. Neil and Mark

  6. Dear Ryan,

    It is impossible for us to imagine the difficulty that you must face as you put your thoughts together to post. Once again, although I have never met you, it demonstrates your strong and upstanding character. It is obvious that the posts are for the many people that otherwise, wouldn't be in touch with Kristine during this difficult time. So, on behalf of one of those people, thank you so very much for keeping us connected.

    We all feel a great sense of helplessness and can only pray as well as let you know how much that you are both loved. Please give Kristine a hug for me, Heidi, Rachel, Betty, Shannon, and Trisha. Warmly, Ann Riffel

  7. A big hug from me too Kristine! I think of you often. Michele

  8. Love and hugs from Cousin Rach in Kalamazoo.

  9. Kristine and Ryan,
    You are both in our thoughts and prayers. Your courage and fortitude are more than awe inspiring. We wish we could be there to help or to tell you stories from San Francisco.
    Diana and Terry

  10. I know, I understand the discouragement and lack of hope. I pray for you all the time Krissy, but I'm sure you are just exhausted with all of this. I love you. Big hugs to you and Ryan,

  11. Thank you once again Ryan for keeping all of us who care about Kristine in the loop even though it is difficult news to hear and write about. I wish there was something inspiring to say or something we all could do to take away all the frustration, pain and worry. Please know that we are all so grateful that Kristne has such a wonderful person in her life. We are all constantly thinking of you and praying for you Kristine. Wish I could be there to babble with you but instead I'm sending you a hug and a smile. Love ya, Shannon H.

  12. Hi Kristine and Ryan,

    Your recent blog was very hard to read, I'm so sorry. I know it's been very difficult.... I wish I could take the pain and frustration away from both of you in an instant.

    My thoughts, prayers and all things positive are coming your way. Stay strong!

    Love and kisses,

    Kathy and Ruby

  13. I am so sorry to hear that nothing positive has been happening. I hope you can come to some peace with your situation, and that you will pursue more professionial help, so that your pain can be dismissed. Love and prayers for the both of you and your families and loved ones.

  14. Hello Kristine and Ryan thanks for the update always thinking of you two. Give Kristine a BIG hug for me.

  15. Ryan and Kristine,
    I am so saddened to hear this post, but thank you for telling us. I think and pray for you both every day. It was such a short time ago that Jill and I were there, doing exercises upstairs with Kristine. You know if I lived in Philly, I'd be there every day! Hugs and strength to you both from Missi

  16. My prayers are with you both.

    Colleen Wharton

  17. God bless people like you two, for making this world a wonderful place. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
    Grant Hegenauer

  18. Hope you two feel the prayers coming to you from Chicago. Hang in there.

    Paul Manelis

  19. Thanks for the updates and for making the effort to post even when it is emotionally taxing to do so. Like so many others have said, you are both in my prayers for both physical and emotional healing.
    Lisa Stahl-Eischer and family

  20. Ryan and Kristine,
    I hope you find some comfort in all of the well wishes and prayers. My husband, my three boys and I add five more sending positive thoughts and hearty prayers your way from Michigan. My seven year old never forgets to include "Mrs. Ivey's sister" in his prayers. Thank you for updating even when you don't feel like it. We think and talk of you often.
    Danielle Dobar

  21. Please let us know what is happening. I am thinking and praying for you both every day. I kn ow that you both are suffering. I hope that you can find some comfort in knowing that your lives havw been well filled and the love that comes your way everyday is comforting to you both. Praying for peace and healing both physically and siritualy. May God bless you.

  22. Kristine and Ryan,
    We all hope to read happy posts and much as you want to write happy posts. Cancer sucks and it doesn't always play fair. It takes a tremendous amount of strength and courage for you to share all that you do. We are all grateful for your updates. If only the love and prayers of others were enough. Wishing peace and comfort to you and yours.
    Cathy Fleschner

  23. Love to you both. We are thinking of you and hoping for the best.


  25. Hi Kristine and Ryan,

    I wanted to wish both of you and your families a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving. I know this is Kristine's favorite holiday.


    Kathy and Ruby xoxo

  26. I know this is Kristine's favorite Holiday coming up .. Thanksgiving I have wonderful memories of the one in SF that we had catered by Plutos .. so thinking of you often .. hoping your fav holiday goes wonderfully!
    Lot's of love

  27. Hi, Kristine-I hope you are feeling well today and you enjoy your day and your dinner with your family!! We are thinking of you today as always. Love from Michigan, Jodi, Pat, Megan, Ryan and Nicholas

  28. Thinking of you on Thanksgiving. Hope you enjoy the holidays and here's to getting some good news during this holiday season!!!
    Elizabeth Trout
