Sunday, October 11, 2009

Trials and Tribulations

Kristine's mother left Philadelphia a week ago this past Friday. It was great having her in town for a couple of weeks to help. Kristine enjoys having her company and I enjoy getting a little break from the routine. I took this past week off from work to cover some gaps we had in our schedule of weekday helpers, spend some time with Kristine and generally try to recover from burnout. You don't realize how fatigue you really are until you slow things down for a while.

There has been a lot of news since the last post. A couple of weeks ago Kristine had to go into the hospital for another cardioversion to regulate her heart rate, which had again accelerated to double the normal rate. The procedure was relatively quick this time around, only requiring a day long out-patient visit. Kristine had another seizure while she was home in bad, this one lasting longer than the others, a full two minutes. Even more worrisome is the fact that the time lapsed between seizures has shortened with each episode -- this one occurring less than a month since the last.

Kristine got the results back from her latest scans. Generally speaking all of her existing tumors have remained stable or increased in size. There are also several new lesions that are cause for concern, but without immediate nor obvious action plans stacked against them. There is one very small, new tumor in the frontal lobe of Kristine's brain (which controls a number of complex cognitive functions such as decision making and memory). Our neurosurgeon is addressing this new lesion with our Oncologist. However, he initially felt that the best course of action was to wait and revisit the mass in a month when Gamma Knife radiation would be considered depending on its progression and size. Additionally, it appears that Kristine's disease has spread to her adrenal glands (those that sit on top of the kidneys). This is concerning for a number of reasons but chiefly because of the proximity to the kidneys and the indication of a broader spread of disease throughout the body beyond her upper thorax.

Kristine is still in a lot of pain from the spasms in her back. And while the pain in her left shoulder blade has subsided, it has been replaced with a sharp pain throughout her right arm stemming from swelling in the lymph nodes in her armpit and shoulder. The pain in her back and arm are causing her the most discomfort, which is only partially alleviated when she is resting in bed.

Kristine has started her new holistic treatment. It is too soon to tell whether it's having any beneficial effects. Though Kristine has noticed some swelling at many of her cancer sights (for example, the several tumors on the top of her head). The treatment is known to cause swelling as it affects the cancer cells, but only time will tell whether the treatment is impacting the tumors' size.

In the meantime, we are looking into a couple of clinical trials. We are skeptical of most trials. Even those in second or third phases of study often have success rates below 40%. So when you consider that only half of the participants in the study are given the actual drug (the other half are administered a placebo to be certain that it's the drug and not some other factor producing the same results) the chances of seeing any success from a study are lowered to less than 20%. Additionally, "success" in sarcoma trials usually just means slower progression not reversal of disease. So essentially there is less than a 20% chance of seeing your disease slow down and a greater than 80% chance of being exposed to a new unproven treatment that could prove to be more harmful than doing nothing at all. The early results have to be pretty compelling for us to go down that path.


  1. You two always remain in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love and hugs,
    Cousin Rach Becker
    Kalamazoo, Michigan

  2. We're always thinking of you two.

    Brian Cronin
    Seal Beach, CA

  3. Kristine and Ryan,

    As always, thank you very much for keeping all of us updated on Kristine's condition. You're in my thoughts and prayers every day!

    Kathy and Ruby xoxo

  4. Dear Kristine and Ryan,

    Thank you for the new update. Please know that I am praying for some good news and for something to help ease your pain.

    Kristine, you are so loved and adored by others..........I know that if any single one of us that love you could take away your pain, we would! That really says so much about the person that you are. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and hope that you will receive positive news of some sort.

    Stay strong and keep the faith! I love you and admire your strength more than you know. I wish that I could hug you......

    Love, Ann Riffel

  5. Every day i think about both of you and all that you are going through...I pray for good news to come you way. A miracle of some sort to just take this all away. Kristine, i was wodering if i could come see you this week. I am going to call you on your cell.
    Stay strong, and keep your spirits up you have a lot of people who love youa and are pulling for you.
    your friend at Philly Mag

  6. I'm so sorry to here of the latest news. You two certainly don't deserve all these trials and tribulations. Ryan, have you ever checked into hospices services? They provide incredible support services not only to the pt. but loved ones too. They also manage pain control. Criteria has changed also. I just had a pt. pass away that was on hospice for 3 yrs. Good luck and God Bless you both.

  7. Kristine - sorry to hear that you are in pain, and not receiving any positive news. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that you can find some comfort and peace thru grace and blessings from the Lord.

  8. Kristine--
    I've been thinking of you lots since our last (short!) visit. Was so great to see you, if only for an hour. I was wondering how your scarf with the buttons turned out??? I hope it's going better than my Spanish...yeesh.
    Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Next time I will bring along my favorite pasta from DiBruno's for you to try. I keep you in my thoughts, my heart and my prayers.
    Much love,

  9. Hello---
    thanks for your updates, Ryan. I love you guys!!!


  10. Hey you two! Thinking about you both today and wanted you to know! Let me know when Ryan's chop chopping at Karate...would love to come over and hang with my girlie!

  11. My prayers are with you..
    Elizabeth Trout

  12. Kristine,

    I think of you and say a prayer for you everyday! You have always been upbeat and positive and that has been tested through this whole process. You are a very strong woman and I'm thankful you have the network of family and friends that you do to help you through this. I only wish I were closer to lend a hand! You are in my prayers! Love to you and Ryan, Cherie and family

  13. My prayers are with you. Missed your blog last Sunday - please let us know how you are

  14. Hi Kristine and Ryan. I am just checking in to say "hello" and let you know that I am thinking of you both. Ann :)

  15. Another month and no update from you guys. Is everything ok? Worried when we don't hear anything. Prayers and thoughts are comming your way, hope no news is good news

  16. Thinking of you 2 hoping no news is good news
    Thought of you often on Halloween

    Hope all is well
    LOVE Barbara

  17. Hey are in my daily thoughts and meditations. Love ,Audy

  18. I check this blog everyday. Thinking of you both and hoping that, as others have said, no news is good news.

    sending love
