Wednesday, September 5, 2007

9/5 - Another Few Months

It has been a long, exhausting road. Kristine has spent half of a year either consumed by an intense chemotherapy regiment or weakened by its occupation of her body. She has endured the physical demands of a major surgery to one of life's critical organs as well as a number of major blood vessels. Through all of this she has maintained a tremendous level of courage, fortitude and resolve. Although I doubt she knows any other way to live her life.

But all the needles, hospital visits, time lost and time erased, pain, discomfort, sleeplessness and general lack of normalcy over this extended period of time has not occurred without taking a toll. While the scars that run down Kristine's chest have healed well in just a couple of weeks, the process of healing mentally is slow and easily thrown off course. And nothing can mess with the mind quite like dealing with news of additional treatment.

We met with Dr. Staddon today for the first time since Kristine's surgery. He was happy with the outcome of the pathology studies that showed 90% of the resected tumor to be dead. He commented on how amazing Kristine was doing clinically for someone who had just recently had the operation she did. And he outlined the next steps in Kristine's treatment plan.

Although we knew from the outcome of the surgery that radiation would be necessary in a small area near Kristine's shoulder and that additional chemotherapy cycles would be necessary (or at least highly recommended) to reduce the likelihood of future recurrence, neither of us was prepared to hear it in such certain terms. The doctor's plan includes 4 additional cycles of chemo that will begin on September 24th -- this time one drug (Ifex) instead of two, over five days instead of four, every third week. Kristine will also receive local radiation once everyday for a full month beginning in October.

The reality of another 3+ months of this tiring routine hit Kristine hard -- the progress of mental healing almost immediately blocked if not reversed. For me the sadness and disappointment in Kristine's eyes coupled with my own recognition of the difficulties in managing her treatment schedule, my job and the daily responsibilities of life sent a sharp and overwhelming stress coursing through my system.

But like everything else we have been through, we will manage our way through this, keeping perspective on the fact that this is all quite positive a prognosis and there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. As Kristine said to me the other day, shortly after we had finished a fairly trivial argument stemming from pure exhaustion and frustration, "we're doing OK."

We're doing O.K.


  1. "Ok" is the best you can do right now - you 2 have been through so much!
    Hang in there ... as Kristine says Trust life .. You have done some much better than they had orginally said so just keep up the strength and hang in there!


  2. Kristine- Gain your strength. Yes, 3 months will be trying and exhausting. However, think about what is on the other side of the mountain. Just take 1 day at a time.

    Please give me a call sometime. I will discuss with you the radiation treatment. It only takes 30-45 seconds at a time. And for chemo, you know what to expect. Keep up your positive attitude and you will make it through this process.

    8 Years cancer Free!

    Mac in Jax

  3. Kristine and two are more than OK, you are amazing!

    I'll share with you a poem my Mom gave to me just before she passed away..I read it when I feel overwhelmed and it helps get me back on my path in life. I know you'll find your path.

    By Anonymous

    If you're heading out there
    I'll give you a tip
    It's wild and it's far
    And you're in for a trip.
    For just when you think
    It couldin't get rougher
    The path goes crooked and the Going gets tougher.
    But once you've traveled
    This far off the track
    You won't settle for less
    And there's no going back.

    Keep your chin up Kristine, you're just about there.

    We love you!
    Beth & Mike Mason

  4. I can not relate to what you both are going through nor will I try. I can say that "doing ok" is much better than I would be doing right about now. I am amazed at your strength, courage and obvious "true love" that you have for one another. Trust life, trust each other and lean on others when you need to. You can not do it alone and no one expects you to.
    Keep the faith
    Jen DeVoll

  5. Kristine and Ryan,
    I just learned of your situation from a fellow co-worker. I am very sorry to hear of this challenging journey. Kristine, I just got a chance to read some of the updates, and you sure sound like an amazingly brave woman. Please know that you both will be in our prayers every day.

    Joe McDonough

  6. Kristine and Ryan you are OK. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When care is pressing you down a bit, rest if you must , but don't you quit, Success is failure turned inside out,the silver tint of the clouds of doubt, So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,it's when things seem worst that you must not QUIT. I will continue to PRAY for you and RYAN, and I know GOD will continue to bless you. Keep up the fight, Always,LATNEY

  7. It must be difficult to find the strength--physically, mentally and emotionally--each day. But I hope that you can take a breather each day and acknowledge how BEAUTIFULLY you have handled the events of the last 6 months. You, Kristine and Ryan, are GRACE personified.
    I hope to see you this weekend, as I will be in the city on Sunday. I'll call ahead to see if you are up for a visit.
    Much love,

  8. That gave me goosebumps. "We're doing OK."
    We are all learning so much from you, Kristine.
    I love you!!


  9. Love you both very much. Know that we are here for you and thinking of you everyday. Keep the goal in sight and know that there are so many people here to help you along the way!

    Love - J.J., Mike & Jake

  10. Kristine and Ryan--I know it doesn't seem like it right now---but the news is actually getting better all the time. Just remember that you have family and friends all out here pulling for you and by Christmas, this will all be behind you. Thinking of you always, One step at a time kiddo---Love , Aunt Elaine

  11. Hey Stinker,

    Call me anytime when you want to talk on my business 800 number 800-932-2957. We are always thinking about you and ready to make a trip to see you when you are ready. Sorry we missed you this summer. The kids are doing great and I will email you some up to date photos. I hope things are improving

    Hey Ryan, thanks for hanging in there and helping my stinker.

    Love Rick, Von, Taylor, Max & Mitchell

  12. It was so good to chat with you the other day. You continue to amaze me.....all that you have been through.....and you sounded so positive & upbeat....just like the last time we talked. Call or email if you are in town.....we would love to see you.
    Take care!

  13. We had dinner with Tom and Stephanie on Friday, and got your updates. Keep up the strength as you start your next round of treatments, you are going to do great. Stay well and in good spirits. You will win. Scott and Ann

  14. All our love to you both. will you be in chemo on tuesday afternoons? Scarlett has a class from 1.30-3 next door, maybe we could poke in and say hi if you are wanting a silly fix. xoxo, simone

  15. We love our Aunt Teen!!
    You are in our prayers every single night at bedtime. Keep focusing on the fun times we get to have as soon as you get well. Kisses and hugs to you.

    Love Kate and Sarah
