Sunday, September 30, 2007

9/30 - Hallucinations

Little wooden men; a room full of fairies; shark attacks; anonymous, incessant talking. These are just a few of the hallucinations and thoughts that have haunted Kristine over the past week in what has proven to be her most emotionally trying cycle.

The thoughts started Thursday when uncontrollable images and sounds began taking control of Kristine's mind. She tossed in bed complaining, "they won't stop talking, I can't make them stop." She would say that the room was full of people, sitting on the bed or standing all around her. Sometimes the voices threatened to take her away and other times they just spoke to one another about her.

Kristine could not relax and could not sleep. Her mind spun out of control sending her into a desperate emotional state. We turned on the sound machine, but the crashing ocean waves that had previously pacified her became a playground for the relentless creatures who occupied her every thought. While she will look back on some of the images with laughter -- for example, David Hasselhoff posing as the grim reaper -- the collective experience is one that she is already trying to forget.

The nurses at the cancer center were not surprised by the hallucinations. They are apparently a side effect of the chemo drug IFEX. And although it seems strange that this is the first time Kristine has experienced this particular side effect, we've learned quickly through the course of this process that nothing is constant -- there always seems to be a new surprise when you least expect it.

By Friday, Kristine had just about had enough. Her mother and a couple of the nurses found themselves convincing Kristine to stay and finish her treatment after she had threatened to quit and go home. I assumed at the time that this was an emotional climax spawned by frustration and exhaustion -- a passing reaction. I now understand that the notion of discontinuing treatment, at least in its current form, is one that Kristine is taking very seriously. With her mind returned, clear and lucid, she expresses this desire definitively. She's hit the wall in the 20th mile of this marathon and is having trouble imagining the finish line.

The next few days will determine just how serious Kristine is about not receiving more chemo. She stated today that she plans to call our oncologist on Monday to give him the heads up on what she's thinking prior to her nadir appointment on Tuesday. My guess is that he'll not be greatly surprised by this, I'm sure Kristine is not the first to approach him with a request to shift course in treatment.

I'll keep you posted with the doctor's response.


  1. It truly sounds like a shitty week. My hearts goes out to you guys. I wish there was something I could do . . .
    I'm looking forward to getting another egg & cheese croissant when you are up for it.

  2. k,
    you have come so far in the last 6 months. we love you and think you are the bravest there is. i love that even in your worst moments, the hoff pops up. you have this inner comic that cannot be denied. you are the best...

    xo, simone

  3. You hang in there!! You can do this!! You've got months behind you and only weeks to go. Your almost there!! I hope this week is more restful. Your in my prayers-Jodi

  4. Kristine
    You really are a strong person and you need to do what is right for you!
    Please take care of yourself - I am thinking of you often....
    Love Always

  5. Kristine,
    You have come so far, only a few more weeks. I know easy for me to say. I am here for you and thinking of you all the time. Please keep up the will power to just try a little bit more and it will be all over soon.
    You are soo strong.
    Love ya lots,
    debbie (philly mag)

  6. Kristine, you probably have more guts than anyone I know! For someone to have to go through what you have this past year is awful! Please stay and think positive. We are all behind you and Ryan! You will both get through this!!

    We think of you daily!

    Jane J and the "Crew"

  7. If I saw David Hasselhoff as the grim reaper, I'd start to give up too.... I will keep up the prayers for you, my dear friend.
    I met your (ryan's) brother in law, Adam, this week at Maine Med.
    We are ALL thinking of you....


  8. Having experienced this, you have to ask your self HOW can people intentionally do this to them selves, and WHY. This happened to me only once with a high fever, well there are no words to explain how horrible it is, the final decision is of course yours, but for all of us who have gone thru this with you (thanks to Ryan) we never want to see you go thru this ever again and because of you there are more of us out here that TRUST LIFE I know in my heart you will do what is right. Love you with my life Holly

  9. Kristine - Stein - Hallucinations are no fun - they are scary and frightening - not having or being in control is awful - BUT, I know you can overcome all these unpleasant side effects and look towards the end of this treatment - look on to enjoying life again - doing all the fun things you love to do and spending QUALITY time with your loved ones. Thinking and continuing to Pray for you and your family all the time... Never Quit - You Can Do It.... Deb W

  10. It sounds like a horrendous week! I've seen patients hallucinate with Ifex... it's no fun at all. BUT... those same patients can tolerate the next doses just fine. And sometimes things can be done to lessen the chance of the hallucinations happening again. So don't give up hope. Talk to your doctor and see what you can do.... but hang in there! What you see up ahead is the light at the end of the tunnel.

    David Loeb, MD, PhD

  11. Hi Kristine,

    Sounds horrible!!! I hope this past week has been better. I hope the only hallucinations you had were of your dad in his underwear in his favorite chair and of all the fun you're going to have at Steph's this Christmas!!!
    Hang in there-- you're so close to the end of this rough year!!
    Angie Meloche

    P.S. I had a very tiny premature baby at work last week and she was a fighter!!! Her birthday is August 21st...........

  12. Thought I'd leave you a message to let you know that you remain in my thoughts DAILY. I hope last week was much better than the week before. You are a goddess, my dear. Just let me know when you want to beat me at a game of cards!!!
    Much, much, much love,

  13. Miss Kristine: We sure hope that your last week was better than the first. We check your blog daily, and are waiting for the great day when this is all behind you. Best of health and strength to you. Ann and Scott in Michigan
