Friday, August 29, 2008

Where To Start?

Today I am not happy. I am extremely frustrated. I received bad news from Dr Staddon on my latest scans yesterday. I have to say I was blind sided. I was really expecting good news. My lingering dry cough has diminished to where I barely noticed it anymore and I have been feeling amazing. I really expected him to say that things looked great. Instead I was told that there are several new nodules on my lungs and the ones that were there before have increased in size. Now we are talking millimeters for the new ones and centimeters for the older ones. Not the news I was expecting.

For the first time since I have been diagnosed, I am angry. I feel like I have changed my life dramatically with my new diet. I am constantly doing shots of wheatgrass and green juice. I lug that juicer with me everywhere I go, thinking it will make the difference. I drive 45 minutes every week to buy 5 pounds of wheatgrass from a grower. This lifestyle is time consuming and limited. For the last month I have fallen off the raw diet thinking that what I was doing with the juicing and wheatgrass would be enough. Now, I somehow have to find the motivation to get strict again. I want to be able to go raw a %100 but I am not sure if I can do it.

Today when I was complaining to one of my friends and talking about giving up this idea of going raw. She reminded me that maybe my news would have been worse if I had not been taking care of myself the way I have been. She is right. I just keep thinking about my friend Andrea that never got any good news from any of her scans. It could be worse. It can always be worse. However, today I am going to be angry, pissed off and mad at the world. Today I ask, WHY ME? I just want my life to be normal again. Tears of frustration are running down my face as I write.

One thing I do know is that whatever I decide I won't give up without a fight. It is a built in Becker trait. I won't go down that easy. Maybe this anger is exactly what I need to get serious again. I do have one more holistic option in my back pocket. I will tell you about that later. I told Dr. Staddon what I wanted to do and he was as supportive as I could have hoped. He wants to start me on a new chemo regime pronto. However, he did say I had some time if I wanted to try something else. He, of course, had no other options except chemo, chemo and more chemo. That is still my last resort.

For now, please don't worry about me. I will win. There is no other option.



  1. Hi Kristine,
    I'm sorry to hear about your latest news and I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of and praying for you. I hope it brings you comfort today knowing that people from all over the country are thinking of you.

    Stay positive.
    Love from Illinois,
    Jennifer (West) Langan

  2. Like Jennifer says... "from all over the country..."

    Big love from Wisconsin!


  3. Shit shit shit. I wanted to call you yesterday to see how you made out, but I thought, "I'm sure she's fine and got good news, but if she didn't get the news she'd hoped for, she and Ryan need some time to digest." So, here I am in the middle of the night checking the blog. I am so, so sorry that you have to deal with this. I know you'll get through it, but it's just not fair, and you have every right to be furious. Don and I love you. We're here all weekend but tomorrow afternoon. I'll call you tomorrow. XOXO

  4. Kristine,

    I'm so sorry to read about your scan results. It's o.k. to be mad, but be glad knowing that you have so many friends supporting you during this fight.

    Be strong, hang in there and when you need a laugh, think of me cheering for you. ;-)
    Ahhh....jump....shout....knock this crud out!


  5. Get pissed and fight.
    Dido on Jennifer message.

  6. Kristine,

    I've been thinking about you constantly. I would be angry too. In fact, I am angry that you have to deal with this ugly illness further. Your spirit and tenacity fighting this have been incredible. Keep fighting! And, if I can do ANYTHING, just remember I am here.

  7. Hey Kristine,

    I posted my favorite quote for you below.

    "Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in."

    Winston Churchill

    Keep your head up and fight the good fight, your courage does not go unnoticed.


  8. Hey Kristine - just wanted you to know I think of and pray for you often. Keep up the fight.

  9. Thinking of you, my friend.

    love, Leigh

  10. You will beat this! Don't be gloomy.

    Get my wig ready for haloween!


  11. Hey KAB,
    I've been keeping up with your blogs for a year now (since Rick told me) and I've read about your high's and low's. I just wanted to let you know that there are a LOT of people out there thinking of you and supporting you. Get pissed. Stay strong. You will beat this thing.

    Patrick J
    San Diego, CA

  12. Oh Kristine, you don't do anything quietly, so why start now? I think that you do need to get pissed off and tackle this cancer crap right in the ass! Maybe your friend was right, if you hadn't changed your lifestyle it surley would have been worse news. If the doc says that you have some time to figure out what is the best option for you, I say go for it! Figure out which way you want to attack it and focus like a Becker!!!! I know you will win and I love you tons....hang tough, because you can! Ann

  13. Hey Kristine all the stubborn Becker's are supporting you in this fight, keep your chin up and come out swinging. brian and betsy becker

  14. Connie said,( not the Becker one ), but Collette's teacher. What a brave gal you are!Mom & Dad told me that you looked great. No one can always be up beat without that 'C' word hanging around. Just be honest with us & yourself. Will check in on you often and know that you are in my thoughts & prayers. Just keep in that place called HOPE. Connie Andrews

  15. Kristine - how are you doing? Are you feeling o.k.? Wondering what plan of action you have decided to take on your journey back to health? There are so many people praying for you, I hope that you can feel all the positive engery that we are sending you way. May God Bless you - Deb Wade
