Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gamma Knife & Call for Help

Before I recap the last couple of days' events, I first want to throw out a call for help the next few weeks. Kristine's parents are leaving on Saturday for Texas which leaves Kristine and I to fend for ourselves and, as it turns out, para transit is neither easy to come by nor convenient. I plan on taking Kristine to rehab each morning, but can't pick her up every day -- I would never be able to work.

So we are calling any interested local friends to help us out if you are able. Here are the details: Commit to a single or reoccurring day of the week, pick Kristine up at 3pm from rehab on Columbus Boulevard (near the DMV and Target), bring her to our house and sit with her for a couple hours until I get home. The one thing we ask is that if you commit but then are unable to make it that you give us enough time to make other arrangements. Also, Kristine is walking short distances but still brings her wheelchair t rehab, so you have to have room enough in your car for the chair and be able to lift it (more awkward than heavy). If you are interested in helping out call or text Kristine and she can talk to you more about it.


Kristine is making great progress with her mobility. She is walking short distances with a cane, distances that have extended with each attempt. She is able to lift her leg at the hip allowing her to climb stairs, albeit slowly. Her control is still limited in her knee and ankle, which cases her to roll her ankle without the support of a brace and shoe. Kristine's left arm has also shown improvement. She is able to close her hand and even squeeze lightly, as well as move slightly at the elbow. These are all good signs that will hopefully give her more independence in the weeks to come.

Before her appointment on Tuesday afternoon with Dr. Staddon, Kristine was very emotional. She refused to see the doctor, expressing her frustration that the appointment would be a waste of time with no new information. I convinced her to go after noting the swelling in her right shoulder as a cause for concern. As it turned out Kristine was right about the appointment. There was no new information given and little attention paid to the new swelling. Dr. Staddon laid out the options clearly and matter of factly, while being sensitive to Kristine's fragile mood. She should first continue to strengthen her leg and arm and complete the Gamma Knife radiation in her brain. After that, she can either explore a new chemotherapy option (Gemzar-Taxatere), which would give her "more time" (with a 50% likelihood of some success), or let the disease run its course. Kristine remained stone-faced and relatively quiet during the discussion. The reality is that this cancer is aggressive and there are no good options to stop it only those to slow its progress.

Kristine's Gamma Knife procedure went without a hitch on Wednesday. The latest MRI did not show any new lesions in her brain. The one tumor that was intended to be treated had grown rather rapidly, however. According to Dr. Lee it had grown to the size of a "juicy raisin" in just two months. The doctor and Kristine collectively opted not to treat the area where the first tumor was removed from her brain. There was a slight risk that Kristine's physical progress could be set back by doing so, a trade off that did not seem to make sense simply for precaution. Instead we will keep and eye on the area through regular check ups.

The news this week has been mixed, but hard to handle. Kristine and I regularly feel overwhelmed and dejected about the future. Nonetheless I can't help but think that things will turn in a positive direction and that through a relentless hope and a stubbornness to BELIEVE with certainty, Kristine will raise above this disease.


  1. O baby! I wish I could be there to chauffeur and massage and rub and laugh and watch good movies and do anything at all I can to help! I'm so glad the Gamma Knife went well and that you met with Staddon. I TRULY BELIEVE you can indeed rise above this disease! I believe in you, I believe in your ability to walk (and shop!) and I believe you can pull through with the help of all the love and support I (and everyone who loves you) am sending across the miles! Keep up your spirits, baby! xoxo Ali

  2. Dear Kristine--
    Since the first day I met you you've demonstrated a remarkable faith. Your motto, "TRUST LIFE" is the most plainly put expression of what faith is. In our friendship over the last six years, no matter the what part of the globe you're in, or what situation, you seem to have been able to stay true to your motto.
    I BELIEVE that you will find the way to continue living your life in a way that is remarkable. I wish I could see you in person more often, but you are in my thoughts every single day.
    “Only she who attempts the absurd can achieve the impossible.”
    YOU, dear Kristine, can acheive the impossible.
    Much love to you,

  3. Cousin Rach from Michigan...Up way past my bed time and letting you know you are all in myprayers.

  4. Check your text messages! I am soooo ready for Fridays!! : ) Can't wait for some girl time! xoxo, Simone

  5. Hey Stiner - Another BELIEVER dialing in to let you know that I am sending you positive thoughts and lots of love. Don't let the dark days overshadow the beauty of your journey. There is a light at the end of this tunnel - and it has a 75% off sale sign on the door! Love you more than words can express! J.J.

  6. Hi Kristine. Hey, just so you know you can stop getting all crazy with these twists and turns. How about just kickin' back and getting yourself a little rest and much deserved time to regroup. I am wishing good things for you over the weekend and am praying like crazy too....I think God is getting sick of the sound of my voice! Hang tough, lots of love and warm thoughts from FREEZING Michigan!!! Ann :)

  7. Good Morning Blog,
    Hello,Kristine....full blast love and prayer coming at you!!!!!!
    For those of us 'out of the know', has anyone heard from Kristine and Ryan ? Concerned.....
    Thank You

  8. Hi Kristine,

    Just wanted to say that I think of you often and send up a little prayer for you every day. Hope you are doing okay. Merry Christmas to you and Ryan.

    Angie Meloche and family

  9. Hello Kristine, I asked Santa for one gift this year and it was to know that you smiled a giant smile for me. I believe in Santa so I have to believe that he granted my wish. I hope and pray with all my heart that there is some peace of mind for you during this festive time of year. We wish you and Ryan , Happy Holidays and a better New Year. I miss you and think of you in multiples daily. Big BIG Love and thanks for my gift. :)
    Bill & Vicki xxxXX
