Wednesday, March 21, 2007

3/21 - Day 3, Cycle 1: Chemo

Kristine finished the third day of her treatment without issue today. These days feel so long as we hope for signs of even the smallest bit of relief. The fluid retention in her upper body is still causing Kristine a lot of discomfort -- breathing, eating and moving herself around are difficult tasks. By the end of the day she had lost some of the fluid weight.

We got some bittersweet news from the doctor today. In reviewing the new CT scans more closely it seems that the main tumor in the vein of Kristine's chest is not only accompanied by metastatic tumors in the blood vessels of the lung but also a series of masses along the same vein leading into the atrium (the chamber of the heart where blood is returned from the body). This could be a very serious complication and disqualify Kristine for surgery if the tumors are all independent, free standing cells. However, Dr. Staddon's team reviewed Kristine's case with colleagues and there was agreement that all the masses appear to be and are likely to be part of the same mass structure. This diagnoses means that the disease is operable. The series of masses could be surgically removed as an entire structure. Of course, surgery is contingent on the success of the chemotherapy, but this news is nonetheless encouraging.

Thanks again to all of you who have responded to the blog or emailed. I am saving all of your communication for Kristine for when she feels up to reading all your kind words. (Right now she falls asleep before I can get the computer in her hands).


  1. Ryan and Kristine,

    Your blog is fantastic. It is obvious you are doing everything you can to understand what's going on so you can conquer this disease. Kelly, Hayden, Sparky and I pray for you nightly. We hope to see you soon. It is good news that the tumor is potentially operable! Keep up the good work. We send you strength.

    Much love,
    Adam, Kelly, Hayden and Sparky

  2. Kristine and Ryan, Our prayers are with you. We know you are stong and will fight anything that comes your way. Great Job on the web site. We will keep in touch. Scott and Opalyn Novak.

  3. Ryan and Kristine,
    My prayers are with you, and I have added your names to my prayer line at church.

    Terry Rock (brother of Bentley Becker

  4. Thanks Ryan for the updates and the blog..Ryan and Kristine We are sending you positive thoughts and strength from California from the Vale Family!
    Operable sounds like good news
    Lots of Love
    Barbara & Mom

  5. Ryan -

    Love the blog - really top notch. It has answered a ton of questions and I really love having answers! Give my girl a big kiss and head massage for me! If there is anything you guys need, let me know!

    Love - Mike, J.J., & Jake

  6. You both are one my mind daily. I was driving out by where J and I got married today and it made me think of the two of you dancing the night away. The blog is really great thank you so much for keeping us all posted on everything. I love you all! xoxo-Mallary, Jason and Miles too

  7. Kristine,

    Hey you! Its Barger....sending you lots and lots of love and strength and good vibes from California. I just know you'll beat this! You've always been able to conquer the world!

    Ryan - thank you so much for keeping all of us posted. It is truly a gift you are giving to all of us.

    Lots of love,
    Kelly (Barger) Dempsey

  8. Dear Kristine and Ryan,
    You do not know me but Colette is one of the principals where I teach. She is wonderful. My husband has been fighting and beating cancer through 7 attacks and is alive and well. Our love and prayers are with you.
    Bless you both,
    Franz and Marty Brenner

  9. Dearest Kristine, If I could have this and go thur this for you, I would in a split second. I am so happy that you and Ryan found each other, as Ryan is your earth angel. My love thoughts and prayers. Holly

  10. Ryan--you're a real trooper. Your love for Kristine shines through in every word you write. Thank you so much for all you are doing for our girl. The daily info is so helpful to those of us who cannot be right there. Kristine's Uncle Roger is gone so much and this makes it so easy for me to update him daily. Keep up all your wonderful deeds--I know from experience how hard this is on you as well. Give everyone our love and a big kiss to Kristine. All of you are in my prayers daily, Aunt Elaine

  11. Ryan and Kristine,
    Thank you soo much for this great site! It really keeps everyone informed of Kristines progress. You both are in my thoughts and prayers each and every night. I think of Kristine all of the time and just can't wait until she is all better so we can go to Panera bread for lunch and shopping at Charlies Jeans! Which i will not go until she comes with me.
    Kristine is probably the most free spirited, happy go lucky, person that i know. She is very stong willed and has a great outlook on life, I am sure this will all help in her recovery. I am very happy to hear about the good news with the tumor and will keep praying for more good news.
    Ryan keep up all of the good work, you are a wonderful person and are both lucky to have eachother.
    Please give Kristine a big hug for me. Hope to see her soon.
    Love and Kisses,
    Debbie (Philly Mag)

  12. Hi Kristine and Ryan,

    I was so very sad to hear of Kristine's illness. But, I know my girl,....she's a fighter and she will beat this! I know it in my heart. My motto is,"Positive thoughts turn into Positive Results."
    Kristine don't EVER give up, you can beat this.....always stay positive.

    If you need anything, anything at all, I'm right up the street. Ruby and I would love to take Rufus and Lucas off your hands for as long as you need. Or, if you need me to go to the market,for groceries, I'm available anytime.

    Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers every day.

    Hugs and kisses coming your way.

    Kathy and Ruby, ruff, ruff, that means get well in doggy language! ha, ha

  13. Hello Kristine,
    I am a friend of your Mom and Dads. We used to be neighbors in Tucson. Our thoughts and prayers are with you each day. You can fight this. Stay possitive and don't give up. Ryan seems like he is a wonderful man. I wish you all the best.
    The Sarah Schnopp and Family

  14. Ryan and Kristine,
    Shannon just sent me an email to this page. You are in our thoughts and prayers. If we can help in any way let us know.

    Stay strong. Ryan thanks for the updates.

    Kate, Andy, Maddie, and Tank

  15. Stine and Ry,
    Thinking about you both day and night!
    Love you!

  16. K,



    Love Ya,


  17. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We know how tough you are and know you can handle this challenge. Get better soon!


    Greg, Kim, Brianna and Boys

  18. Ryan & Kristine;
    Your blog is great. Modern tech is wonderful, something us old folks don't get. You are in my thought and prayers daily. Stay strong and together you can beat this! Someday it will all just be a very bad dream! Take care! love Ann

  19. Kristine & Ryan,
    What a great blog! Ryan rocks. It's such a fantastic way to keep us all updated. Just think Kristine, when this is all over you can travel the world again and your mom can put up the push-pin map in the kitchen. You will remain in my prayers. Now go kick cancers ass. Love, Hank

  20. Ok Chief....let's kick this crazy cancer bitch in the butt! The Closet & Storage Gang, and it's vast extended family, is behind you 150%. We know you, Ryan, your family and the fur-kids are going to beat this.

    We love you and are sending good thoughts your way. Mike and I are here to help in anyway possible.

    Before you know it we'll be driving down the road to the "Werewolf Song". Kristine, hang tight you're the best one so far!

    Ryan, thanks so much for the Blog.

    Much love to you.

    Beth & Mike Mason (Closet & Storage)

    P.S. I made a Piper get down on St. Patrick's Day in your honor...he thought I was mad as a hatter!

  21. Kristine,

    We think about you several times a day and talk about all the fantastic things you've done. You definately are the person to invite to the Party!!! April 1st is coming up and I'm arriving Barbara Streisand style but that is not your April Fool's joke. I'm boating and flying and taking the train to Philly. I'm really not coming to visit as much as I am coming to COOK!!!!! Can't wait to see you all...make sure you have plenty of wine.

    Auntie Jan

  22. Kristine,

    I just wanted to send my best wishes and let you know that I share in your daily frustration and empathize with your setbacks. Hoping for a lot more good news in the next few days.

    If you ever need to just to vent please give me a ring.



  23. Kristine,

    I thought you would want to hear that I won you back in a thumb wrestling rematch against Len. You are now mine again baby!!...:)I'm thinking of you...Mike
