Wednesday, March 28, 2007

3/28 - Day 10, Cycle 1: Nadir Point

Today was Kristine's nadir appointment with our oncology team. The nadir point is the point in her chemo cycle where her white and red blood cell counts are at their lowest. Her white blood cells (those that help fight infection) are only at about 10% that of the normal level (400 vs. the normal 4000 to 5000).

It was for this reason that Kristine's mom and sister would not let her set foot in the Rite Aid without wearing the surgical mask she carries with her in her purse. Of course, Kristine being as stubborn as she is, pulled the mask down around her neck the second she was out of sight.

The appointment went as expected and Dr. Staddon was very encouraged by Kristine's physical and mental state. She has lost much of the retained fluid that was causing her discomfort over the last week. Her energy level is very good, although she loses steam pretty quickly. She's eating well and catching up on some much needed sleep. Overall she is doing exceptionally well for just having finished a week of chemo. Next week she will be even better and preparing for her next cycle.

Kristine hasn't started losing any of her hair yet. However, she did say that she might consider posting photos of head covering options (including bald) for you all to vote on (there is a big "might" there). Also, depending on how she's feeling, Kristine may soon be writing a post of her own. So look for these special addition posts in the next few weeks.


  1. I'm very glad to here that kristine had a pretty good day.Also nice to here that her appetite,energy level are doing well, this is very good for her.Kristine keep up with your sense of humor.Ryan you know that stubburn she'll be.Kristine you keep fighting and I'll continue to pray for you,Ryan and your family. God Bless Always,with LOTS OF LOVE LATNEY (CSC)

  2. I'm thinking of you everyday:) So glad to hear about the trip to Rite Aid -- knowing you're as feisty as ever is music to my ears. Keep up the good progress!
    xxStephanie Bierlein

  3. what great news! so glad to hear you are home and feeling better kristine! we are always thinking and praying for you. please let us know if you need anything. we are just down the, jeanna and rusty (rocki misses you too...)...
    p.s. that rite aid is gross. EVERYONE should be wearing masks in there!

  4. I'm so glad to hear in every additional Ryan adds that you haven't lost your spirit. I'm hoping that is what will help you beat this. Shoot, if you can boss me around, cancer ain't got a chance!
    Know that I'm thinking about you and looking forward to my next latte - on you, of course.
    I'd love to see head covering options, no pressure!
    Amy Katzeff

  5. I'm finally posting! Glad to hear yesterday went well for you. I was thinking about you all day knowing it was supposed to be the worst of it. We all miss you so much and Ryan has been awesome at updating the blog. Chloe can't wait to get a meow meow and Kyoto wants to jump and give you a big kiss, your favorite!
    Love, Tami, Harper, Chloe & Kyoto

  6. Since you know I'm a certified "Germ-a-Phobe" I must agree with your Mom...Missy you put that mask right back on! If it helps Laurie and I will get you a mask from Coach or Gucci you pick! Keep up the battle!

    Love ya!
    Laurie Schade & Beth Mason

  7. Kristine & Ryan,
    So glad to hear things are going well.
    Not surprised that Kristine hasn't lost her good humor and positive outlook!!!
    Much love,

  8. Kristine and Ryan...
    Great news! I am glad to hear that Kristine is back to her feisty self. Wanted to let you know that they opened one of those mexican restaurants in a shopping center in Cherry Hill(rt 70, near the old race track) you know, the one that you and the girls at (CSC)always eat at, so I had to stop because i was thinking of you. Was not the same with out you. So we will have to go back for some nachos when you are ready.
    I am in for the donation for the gucci or coach mask with Beth and Laurie. You know if it is up to me it would be the gucci. Keep up the good work.
    Miss you lots...
    xoxoxo, debbie (philly mag)


  10. we're very happy to hear that Kristine is doing better! Keep fighting! We're thinking about you guys!

    Mike and Alison Magruder

  11. Hi Baby Girl!
    I hope you got the wig... memories of Cinco de Mayo and you making me take it off in front of the whole Mexican restaurant :)!!!
    You're beautiful no matter what you have on your head!
    Keep your strength up, eat well, sleep well and know how much we all love you!

  12. Kristine -
    It's been forever since we've been in touch...wanted you to know you're in my thoughts & prayers. Your amazing spirit and zest for life give me great confidence in your ability to fight strong!

    Take care & know so many people are sending positive thoughts and energy your way.

    Lisa (Davy) Dooley

  13. Hi Kristine and Ryan, So glad to hear that Kristine is feeling a little better. It must feel great to get outside. Just keep up the great work you'll be shopping with the girls before you know it!
    Take care, love and hugs, the Dick and Jane clan!

  14. Hey Kristine,

    You're stubborn?

    Jimmy Schultz and Clan

  15. Kristine.. I have tons of Hats I can send just let me know ... Stubborn not Kristine the FIREBALL that you can be is one of the best things about you
    Take care and Love


  16. Kristine, (Stiner)
    Glad you are home and taking good care of yourself. Wish I could send you some fries from Tony's. They were always so healthy yet sinfully delicious. Remember, we used to get them almost every week while crusing around town! Just thinking of you and ALL the hilarious memories like our first fight when I hit you over the head with a snickers candybar?? Or was it the other way around? If it was me, I take it back! What was that over? I forget! Seriously though keep on taking good care of yourself!
    Shannon Hall

  17. Hair is overrated. You will look great no matter what is on your head! Thinking of you. ~Jill

  18. so happy to hear you are out and about, but not as happy as you are i am sure! xoxo, simone

  19. Kristine--So glad to hear you're out of the hospital and keeping your mom and sis hopping!!! Good to see your "spunk" level is right where it should be!! You take care--all of you -- my thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Aunt Elaine

  20. Kristine,please know that the Becker side of the family is pulling for you!! who needs hair, that much time less getting ready! Keep your mom crocheting or tatting!! Brian and Betsy

  21. It was SO good being with you for a few days. Miss you already! See you again in a couple of weeks.
    Love, Stephanie

  22. Kristine,

    I found Jesus the other day. He told me my soul-searching would have to continue without him. Something about being too busy to help. Now I know why. My head is flooded with memories of Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Connie and you and your lovely sisters. I admire your penchant for travel and adventure--and your zest for life. I'm not what you'd call a religious type but given the fact that, as an impressionable still-idealistic young guy I was forced to work side by side with your uncle and Dad I don't think it's unreasonable to feel that I'm owed a divine favor. I'm calling on that, coupled with your wonderful attitude and fantastic support system to pull you through. I am thinkinig of you and your family. Tell your Dad that "Donovan" is there in spirit. Lots of love.

    Jon Becker

  23. I am your cousin Phil's daughter. You are in my thoughts.

  24. Hi Kristine,
    I think of you so often. I wish we lived close, I'd bring you a milkshake everyday!!! Keep your beautiful smile, positive attitude and take good care of yourself.
    Get well soon.
    Love, Jill
    P.S. Hello to your Mom, Dad & sisters.

  25. Hi Kristine and Ryan

    I hope you are doing well and feeling better. Saying all kinds of prayers for you!! Thinking about you everyday. You have always had a way of doing things over the top!! Stay strong you have a lot of people on your team! Cherie Campbell and Family

  26. Happy Easter Kristine - So Glad to hear that you are feeling better and getting out of the house. Hope the bunny is good to you and brings you lots of MILKSHAKES... We continue to think of you often and keep you in our prayers..

    Deb and Brent

  27. Go girl ....
    Have fun with all the girlsfriend
    who are comming.
    Thinking about you.
    Amour amour.

