Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One Last Goodbye

Andrea's memorial was yesterday and it was quite an event. I loved how it was a christian type service in an old Jewish temple. The people were from every walk of life you could imagine. The rock-a-billy suits, the interesting tattoo's, the punk and the prepsters. She had so many different kinds of friends and it was really perfect to see everyone come together to grieve for such a unique individual.

It was a rather large church and there was barely a seat to be found, even in the balcony. One of my favorite moments was when they explained that in typical Andrea style she had pretty much planned out the whole service. She had friends read scriptures and had one of her friends sing a favorite song. Of course the most moving moments were when her sons and her husband got up to speak. As Ryan said, it is hard to watch a man grieve. Kelly actually put his whole speech up on the blog if anyone is interested in what he had to say. Of course Andrea thought of everything and insisted on having the last word. She had written a letter that was read by a close friend to end the service. In true Andrea fashion her letter comforted us. She told us to wipe our tears and to know she is in a better place. It had a positive spin as only Andrea could have written. It was sad but perfect. I know her spirit was with us yesterday. You could just feel her presence. Goodbye good friend take care. Much love,



  1. Hi Kristine. Thanks for sharing about Andrea's memorial service, I'm glad that you able to be there among her friends and family. I hope that you can get some rest, I can only imagine how emotionally draining that all of this can be! On another note, are you still planning on attending the reunioun? I hope to see or talk with you soon. God Bless, Ann

  2. Wow - what an amazing person and story. I am sure you are glad you were able to be a part of her life even if it was for too short of period.

    Lots of Love


  3. What an incredible person. My thoughts are with you and her family.


  4. Dear Kristine,
    I hope your event was a good one. I did make it to the beach for a few hours after I talked to you. I love that late-day beach vibe : )
    Anyway, like I said yesterday, I was so moved by Kelly's words. It seems like Andrea was truly an AMAZING person, much like you. No surprise then that the two of you connected so quickly. It reminds me of a line from a book that I once read. The writer was told by someone that "...beauty finds beauty".
    I hope to see you again soon. Love from the Jersey Shore,
