Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Saying Goodbye

It has been over a week since I have posted anything. I have a couple of idea's of things that I wanted to write about. Such as my new hair do with a new picture. A barbecue we are going to have when I am in Michigan for all of my friends and family who have supported me during this crazy year and a half. However, I just can't find it in me to write about any of it. Lately I have been consumed by my friend Andrea and her pending death. Nothing else seems important enough. I check her blog probably 6 times a day, just waiting for the news we all know is coming. It is hard for me to be a spectator to her death. We were on the same chemo schedule, had our surgeries only 2 weeks apart and yet here I am watching her die. It doesn't seem fair. For a long time I didn't want to except that she wasn't going to make it. I even bought her all of these natural remedies that say they can work on even the worst of patients. To be honest I didn't want to let her go.

I woke up this morning and read her blog and she is prepared and even welcoming the idea of death. She is tired most of the time and in pain all of the time. She has had enough. I then called her to see if she needed any rides today and we talked for just a minute. While talking to her I realized that I too am going to have to embrace her death. I tried to keep from crying on the phone. She is so together....why can't I be. I can barely write because the tears just keep coming. I will see her for lunch today. She wants to have lobster before she dies. I will keep it together for her and remember that she embraced life the same way she will embrace death. She will not shy away from the unknown, but run to it. She has a magnificent spirit that will be missed so much. Andrea, I love you.


In case you don't have it her blog is www.punkrockmommy.org Send her good vibes.


  1. Kristine,
    I also think of her everyday.
    Love Mom

  2. I guess you have left us all speachless. I have been following Andrea's blog ever since you first posted her link on here. I pray for her everyday. You are so lucky to know her. I wish I could get to meet her. I am sorry you have to watch a dear friend go through this. Cancer sucks. Peace to you today. Michele Wolfe

  3. Kristine - I have been reading Andreas blog also, thanks to you. I don't know her except thru the blog and yet my heart breaks for her. She has spoken so honestly and taught so many lessons to so many people. I am sure she came into your life for a reason, and as we all know these is a time for everything. Please know that we feel sorror for you having to go thru losing such a good friend. Deb W

  4. Kristine, you did a beautiful job of "keeping it together." And I loved my lobster lunch. Nothing but rich seafood in butter!. What a lovely time. I was thrilled to be with you. A little sore. A bit tired. But still in the company of my loved ones. I have nothing to complain about. I am at peace. God had this plan in mind for me and I accept that. I hope you have many years left here on earth.Don't cry for me baby. Cry for my kids who will have to be strong beyond their years to get through this world without a mommy. I do. All my love to you sweet friend. Andrea

  5. Wow. I just read what Andrea wrote. What a brave soul she is.... I pray for her children... Life is so complicated and mysterious.
    Sending love....
