Monday, June 23, 2008

A DIfferent Point of Veiw

Ryan was going to write this blog because as you all know, he is much better with the details then I tend to be. However, he is extremely busy with work so I thought I would just do my best.

Last Thursday Ryan and I had a conference call with Brian Clement from Hippocrates. It was extremely interesting. I had sent him my scans before the call so he could take a look at what was going on. He also had the information from my last scan and all of my latest blood tests. He started by saying that he has seen scans like mine many of times.....I think his exact words were thousands of times. His take on the situation is that yes there are probably cancer cells in my lung but what we are seeing with the branching is not a tumor. He thinks that what is happening is that my immune system is doing it's job. He explained that it takes over 5 billion cells to show up on a scan and what we are seeing is that my immune system is coming together to fight whatever maybe in my lung. It explains why I had only healthy cells found in my eight needle biopsies. He also explained that when my good cells are fighting my bad cells it causes heat in the body. Because my body is a perfect machine it sends water to cool down the location which in turn is causing my cough. He also said that my blood work looked fantastic and in his opinion I should stay the course with my diet and wheat grass.

I do have to fess up at this point that I was a bit of slacker on my diet. Not the eating part. I actually think I do a pretty good job of staying raw. I definitely have my weak moments and eating out is extremely hard. I am the first to say that I am not perfect. However, I am really proud of the 90% change I have made instead of the 10% mistakes. Where I have been lacking is the wheat grass portion which is just as important as the diet. I have been taking wheat grass pills for the last 3 months and doing fresh only when it was convenient. It just made things so much easier while I was traveling visiting family and friends. When I asked Brian about the pills he informed me that they are 1% effective. Then I asked him about the frozen wheat grass I have seen in stores and he replied 3% effective. So now I have been back to the basics and juicing fresh for the past 10 days. I am happy to report that my cough is improving everyday.

We also talked about surgery. Brian's take on surgery is that if I decided to go forward they will most likely find cancer cells. Will they get all 5 billion....unlikely. Basically I will be in the same situation as before with my immune system trying to fight off the bad cells. Only this time I will be weak from surgery and getting back on my feet and feeling good can take a while. Of course if they find cancer cells they will want me to go on chemo immediately and I think I have made myself clear how I feel about that. I do intend to meet with the surgeon to hear what he has to say but at this point I think I am going to watch things closely and see what the next scan shows at the end of August. Until then I am in lock down mode. I am trying to stay home and focus on getting healthy.

I know it is hard for a lot of people to understand that I would be willing to go against conventional medicine. I won't lie and say it isn't scary but I truly believe that what I am doing now is the path to a long healthy life. Actually I plan on out living each and everyone of you. HA! HA!


  1. Wow! The decisions you're having to make are mind-boggling and i'm just so glad you have such excellent resources available to you. I'm so glad Brian was encouraging (VERY encouraging!) and that there are steps you can take like fresh wheatgrass that can make a difference. Did i hear you say that you're STAYING HOME for a while? That's crazy talk!
    Take care of yourself and keep us updated!

  2. Okay .. guess who?
    I have to disagree .. in my eyes you are a beautiful writer!! The best .. I hang on every word.
    Not that I agree on everything your write, but you are a beautiful writer. The Best!!

  3. Hi Kristine. Thanks for the update, I have been waiting to hear some of the details and praying for you. Hey, in my opinion the bottom line is that you (and Ryan) are taking charge of your health. I think the more opinions the better, conventional or not! You have always had a strong instinct of what is right. I give you all the credit in the world for being your own advicate and making the decisions that are best for you. I will keep up the prayers......I wish like everyone else that loves you that there was more I could do, but please know you are thought of and loved very much. Good luck with staying in, I know how hard that will be for you......I should have Heidi send you some old cheer tapes, I hear they are pretty funny! Take care, love, Ann =)

  4. You have to decide what is best for you .. as my dad always said it is the practice of medicine and they are practicing - so you can decide for yourself!!


  5. Hey Stinker, I love Wheatgrass and stuff like that. My body is also a perfct working machine like yours so we think alike. The kids miss you and want you to call us whenever you want. Maybe we can call you tonight. Miss you and Love you
    Rick & The Kids

  6. Kristine-
    Keep following your heart and you'll never go wrong or have regrets. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop of your life. I know it is probably been a strange experience to get all of this information about yourself and to then process it and relay it in a written form. I think you and Ryan have a book in the making... You two are truly an amazing pair. xoxo , SImone

  7. hi!!
    Thinking of you.... ALSO, a month ago, I got two identical plants and boiled two pots of water, one on the stove, one in the microwave. It took about two weeks, but the microwaved water KILLED the plant, the other is thriving. Thought you'd be interested....
    sending love, leigh
