Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Good News/Bad News

As the saying goes...I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first? I always choose the good news first. I always think that maybe that will make me feel better about the bad news.

Good News

I got the call from Dr. Staddon that after eight needle biopsy's they could not find any abnormal cells. At this point I should be jumping around and celebrating! However, I know better then to get ahead of myself. If any of you ever read the postings, there is a posting on my last entry from another Sarcoma survivor and she had a similar experience. By the way who ever you are my sarcoma sister, I would love to be able to contact you in some way. It sounds like you have lots of experience and may be able to shed some light on everything I am going through. My direct e-mail is on the main page.

Bad News

So following this amazing news, Dr. Staddon continues with two options. First option is to do another needle biopsy. Second option is to do surgery. I jumped at the chance of surgery! I know that sounds odd that I would be excited to do surgery but that really is my best option. When you are trying to fight something with your own immune system the less cells there are to kill the better. Surgery would get rid of the most cells in the shortest amount of time. Dr. Staddon prefers to do another needle biopsy because in his mind the things they are seeing on the scans are definitely cancer and they would want to start a chemo regimen ASAP. They look at it as the less they have to cut out the better. Also while the chemo was shrinking the spots on my lungs it would also be killing any other cells that might be gaining any momentum to grow in any other places. I am not interested in having a needle stuck into me eight more times, until they get the results they want. Also, I have not leveled with him that I am not going to jump back into chemo. He is not going to like that answer so I am prolonging the conversation until it is necessary. Dr. Staddon is on vacation this week but he made a call to one of his surgeon friends to try and get me in right away. I guess it usually takes two months to get into see this particular surgeon. I have yet to hear anything but will keep you posted.

I also have a phone interview with Brian Clement on Thursday afternoon. He if the founder of Hippocrates. I sent him my scans and blood tests because I wanted to get a holistic view of my situation. At that point I will make my own decision on the best path to follow.


  1. Hi Kristine,

    I'm sure you'll make a great decision. I always tell my patients, friends, and family members... you don't have to say 'yes' to everything that doctors suggest if it seems too aggressive or not a good fit for you.

    Take care!
    Sara LaFleur

  2. i'm so happy you listen to your body....i'm thinking and praying for you constantly....my boys love to hear about mommy's friend kristine. especially the childhood memories. keep up with that raw diet....love, debbie

  3. i am sure you will make the right decision! it has been so nice to see you more these days - WAY better than last summer!!! we love you!!! jeanna, rusty, and christopher (rocki too!)

  4. Kristine - I aM sorry to hear that you have to go thru deciding what options to take. I was hoping that that part of your life was in the past. I know that you will be strong, and choose the right course of action for you to pursue. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Deb W

  5. Kristine, Just want you to know that you are in my prayers and that you should continue to stay strong!!! The proactive approach you have taken is inspirational to me and proof, that more than one opinion is imperative!!!!! Continue to take your time with your decisions so that you make the best decision for yourself. Thinking of you, Terese W.

  6. That is so cool that Brian is involved here... He will lend a positive, alternative and wise perspective. How are you??? We need to meet up this summer. Will you be in Maine at all???
    love you!
