Monday, June 9, 2008

Keeping up with Kristine

I know everyone out there is routing for me and probably pretty worried at this point. I just wanted to keep you all updated on what is going on in my crazy life. First of all the biopsy has been scheduled for Thursday morning so I most likely will not get any results until the following week. To be honest I am more concerned with the biopsy then the results! I had a needle put into my lung after my heart surgery to remove excess fluid. IT HURT LIKE HELL!! This is coming from a women that just had open heart surgery, so you know I am not messing around. One of the side effects of this biopsy is that my lung could collapse. My oncologist said, "but don't worry because a collapsed lung is really no big deal." I am sorry, I find this to be a big deal. Let's not forget if this happens I will be admitted to the hospital. YUCK! Anyway, does it sound like I am complaining?? I am more annoyed then anything, but I guess this is a life of a cancer patient. The problem was that I had the luxury of forgetting that I was a cancer patient for awhile and now it is hospitals and biopsies all over again.

The reason that the results don't scare me as much is because I have pretty much already decided that I will not be starting a new chemo regimen. As you have read in my past postings there are holistic options available. I plan on exploring every last one of them. I will keep you posted on my decisions. I am not saying that I will never do chemo again but I am saying it is a last resort for me. I truly believe in my heart that there are better ways of fighting cancer. I have always been one to march to the beat of my own drum and this time I will not just be following doctors orders.

I have been cleaning up my act since my last scan and have gone back on my raw diet 110%. I am very proud of the changes I have made to help beat this disease. While I was still vegetarian, I was doing more of a 80% raw and 20% cooked. I also saw a healer last night. He doesn't heal cancer but he can find things out of tune in your body. He told me that I have a fungal infection in my heart chakra. (I know this sounds totally hippie, but stay with me here.)
I just had to write about it because if it comes up as a fungal infection I wanted you guys to have seen this in writing first. It is funny because I have never in my life thought I would be hoping for a fungal infection!

It seems like my cough is getting better everyday. I close my eyes about three times a day and tell all of my white blood cells to go kick the crap out of what ever is in my lungs. Maybe it is actually working. Mind over matter....Right?? Anyway, I am doing great and I am very positive and want to thank everyone for sticking this crazy thing out with me. Until Thursday. Have a great week.



  1. Hi from Michigan! We are all behind you 100% in the Kelly household. You are right about marching to he beat of your own drum, that's what so many people love about you! I will be hoping and praying for good news for you on Thurs. Take care of yourself and stay strong. Love, Jodi

  2. Hi Kristine. Thanks so much for the update. Like everyone else, I just can't get you off of my mind. Good luck with the biopsy this week.....I will be praying extra hard (If that's possible). Love and hugs to you!!!! Ann =)

  3. Hey Kristine==
    Keep thinking those healing thoughts. It certainly can't hurt and it will very likely help! I thought you would want to know that I have an appointment set up with that artist who lives around the corner from you. All because of your voicemail : )
    You are always in my thoughts; we have to hang out soon.
    Much love,

  4. GO WHITE CELLS GO! GO WHITE CELLS GO! Being focused and having a positive attitude is proven to change so much in life. We are sending healing thoughts your way. It was so awsome to see you and Ryan, even if just briefly while chasing sweaty, muddy crazy children. Keep rockin' it babe! We are behind you and your decisions 110 % and believe in you always!!

    xoxo, Kanes

  5. I totally know what you are going through. I am in a similar position... I went to New Mexico and had a healer do cranial sacral work on me. And Reiki. It was the only time in a year I saw my tumors shrink! No meds have done that. I now am faced with doing adriamycin. The evil chemo from your past. I am hesitant to believe it will help. I love you my dear. Promise me you will sob the loudest at my funeral! Andrea

  6. Yes, We are all praying for a fungal infection! That is so funny, but I hope the healer was right.... Jas and I are sitting here talking about how TRUE it is that you can heal yourself. Keep up those affirmations- and that crazy amazing attitude. love you woman....

    Hey K,

    First, I have to say BE STRONG. Don't forget what you've learned over the last few months, let it be your ice-breaking ship carrying you through the icy waters of western medicine. Know that you are making a stand for your true self and you represent a larger group of people that know deep in their souls that there is a better way.

    A fungus on the heart is an analogy to the hearts adverse instead of love and joy you have an affliction of sadness and coping...old Chinese Medicine comparisons of the hearts yin and yang traits. The goal then is to quiet the mind and find what truly brings you joy and love and then follow it with all your hearts desire... Then your hearts fungus will burn into flames. Remember you are being strong for all of us and we are with you.

    Love, Jas
