Sunday, April 29, 2007

4/29 - Vote for Your Favorite

Thank you all so much for your patience. I know a lot of you visit the blog almost daily so I'm sure it's disappointing (and even disconcerting) not to have updates for two weeks. My postings have come in waves depending on the stage of Kristine's cycle but ultimately it all depends on how she's feeling and what new challenge we're facing. However, as I've mentioned before, no news is indeed good news.

Over the last couple of weeks Kristine has been feeling really well. She's been spending time with local friends and even doing some shopping. And although shopping has always been a favorite therapeutic past time for her it has recently become more of a necessity. Kristine has lost weight from the treatment cycles so she's left having either to tighten her belt or to buy some new clothes. For Kristine there's only one solution. It doesn't matter how tired she is she can always muster up the strength to visit a few of her favorite stores.

This past Thursday Kristine had another CT scan and MRI of her neck and chest. Typically these scans are done after the third cycle rather than the second, as was done in this case. Dr. Staddon is taking extra precaution since the cancer type infecting Kristine is considered aggressive. The images will serve as a gauge to determine the effectiveness of the current chemotherapy regiment and potential next steps. Next steps could include changing the chemotherapy drugs, radiation or surgery depending on how the tumors have progressed. On Monday 4/30 we'll be meeting with the oncology team to start Kristine's third cycle and to review the results of her latest scans. This will be a pivotal meeting. It will not only begin to define the next chapter of Kristine's treatment but will also shape our understanding of just how formidable the disease is and the battle that lies ahead.

As promised, I have included photos of Kristine's new "cranial" styles as well as a poll for you to vote on your favorites. Kristine wants to hear your opinions so don't be shy. The poll allows you to view results real time so you can see what others think.

You can either view the photos below or see high resolution photos at


  1. Hey Kiristine glad to hear all is going as well as to be expected!
    I say bald show your power and strength.. Mom says long hair of course :-D
    Shopping is always the best .. wait does that mean new shoes for the new outfits (all the better)??
    Positive thoughts for your Monday meeting .. Wish I could be shopping with you Macy's is having good sales :-)

    Lot's of Love
    Barbara & Momman Vale

  2. Kristine, I think you look beautiful in all the shots, I voted for the scarf - think it would looke great with matching shoes .... Good luck for Monday's tests results - we will anxiously await the results.. Prayers and thoughts go out to you daily.. Deb and Brent

  3. Hi Kristine,
    I voted for the wig, but if anyone can pull off going bald - it would be you! And it really is cute on you! Glad to hear you are feeling a little better and good luck at your appointment today! We'll be thinking of you in Saginaw.

  4. Kristine,
    I voted for the wig only because it reminds of Eisenhower High School Kristine. The scarf and hat are both cute too... as is bald for that matter! I'll see Steph in a few days so I hope to get her insight and stories of her recent visit. Keep kickin' butt! It sounds like you're doing your part to fight the good fight.

    Lisa (Stahl) Eischer and Family

  5. Kristine, Love the wig but I'm the only one who liked the hat. Actually I'm so glad you are smiling in all four and I can tell you haven't lost your sense of humor! Take care, always thinking of you.
    Marilyn Redmond

  6. Kristine, All the pictures look fine to me, but you'd look great in any of the pictures. Do you remember going with us to see Kenny Rogers with us? I know him really well, maybe I can get him to sing to you. Do you want the whole band? Keep strong!
    Ken Redmond

  7. Is it okay that i voted twice? Bald is hands-down my first choice-- you've got an adorable little head and there's something very Sinead O'Connor- bad ass about the look, especially with the slinky scarf! But i also love the pink hat! I think both show a sassy new Kristine... if you've got it, flaunt it!
    Love you baby and wishing you huge good luck with the results of the scan and more icky chemo this week. You'll get through it and be shopping again in no time! King of Prussia, here we come!
    xoxo Ali

  8. Hey Kristine and Ryan -

    To be honest, I love all four looks! You're a beauiful woman and look fabulous with no hair! It's that beautiful, happy face!!!!

    I hope to see you very soon.


    Kathy and Ruby, ruff, ruff :)

  9. kristine and ryan-
    we are thinking about you and hoping that this week goes by quickly for you. it was so great to see you both last week and to see that your spirits and determination are still going strong! i am a big fan of the scarves....reminds me of those 1970's ladies who always looked so look fabulous no matter what is on your head! we love you! jeanna and rusty

  10. Hi Kristine,
    Love all 4. You still have that great smile you had in high school. Hope your meeting today went well. You are definately and inspiration. Ryan- thanks for your recent update.
    Julie Najawicz (Bartel)

  11. Kristine,
    You wear them all well, so why not change it up depending on your mood? I have to say though, you looked tres chic on your deck last Sunday with the scarf and sunglasses!
    Was great to see you and Ryan. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. You are pure sunshine, my dear.
    Lots of love to you both this week.

  12. Hey Kristine: This is Ann and Scott in Michigan. We are Tom and Stephanie's friends. You look gorgeous in all of the photos. As one other said, mix it up a little. It would give it the "Becker Sass". So good to see a new post, we truly think of you everyday. Keep your smile smilin', it looks good on you. Be Well!

  13. Yes, you do look fab in all your looks. I have to say I am loving the wig. It makes you look like a college kid. I gotta get me one of those....Praying for good news today.
    Elizabeth T.

  14. Thank God for good news!!

  15. OK I voted for the wig,but you need to have more fun with it. I am thinking a full length Cher model, both the 1970's version and the Platinum colored millenium version. And who says Cleopatra can come out only on Halloween?

    You are beautiful no matter what. Hope you are felling better.

