Tuesday, April 10, 2007

4/10 - Day 2, Cycle 2: Chemo

Not much to report today. Kristine is doing well. She's very tired but is able to awaken for short periods to talk or even play a short game of hearts with her mom and sister Colette.

The hospital has therapy dogs visit the patients periodically. Today, Annie, a young Chocolate Lab, came by the cancer center (we really should have gotten a photo).

Colette did some research on wigs for Kristine (at the rate she's losing her hair she'll likely be bald by week's end). Apparently, many insurance companies cover the cost of a wig for cancer patients with a prescription. That's right a prescription. And like any prescription it can't just be written in English, the wig needs a medical term -- cranial prostheses. So, at some point when Kristine's feeling up to it she'll be fitted and fashioned with a new cranial prostheses (a wig) to treat her condition of alopecia (baldness) courtesy of our insurance company.

I also thought that I would share one last thing. I ran across a great article in the April 9th addition of Newsweek entitled, "My Life With Cancer." The author, Jonathan Alter a Newsweek corespondent, shares the story of his battle with cancer. His story is candid and honest and he offers some great insight from his own fight against the disease. It's worth the read http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17888476/site/newsweek/.


  1. Hi Kristine and Ryan,

    Thank you so much for keeping all of us in loop on Kristine's progress and condition. It's the first thing I do in the morning......

    Know you're thought of every day and if there is anything I can do to help, know that I'm here for you.

    Be strong this week!

    Love Kathy
    P.S. Ruby says hi!

  2. Stine~
    We are thinking of you and praying for a quick week. I wish I could put my arms around you and give you a great big hug. It's been way too long!!!!!! You've always been so strong, now you need to let others be that strength for you.
    I love you!
    Love, Debbie

  3. Ryan thanks so much for the updates - I read it everyday with much hope of good news.

    Kristine - you might need more than one wig for different moods???
    A prescription how crazy is that ...

    Take care - my thoughts are with you and Ryan

    Love Barbara

  4. O you definitely need to get Lucas involved as a hospital dog... can you imagine the mayhem?
    The hospital would never be the same!
    Thinking about you every day (both of you!) and missing you already.

  5. Hi Kristine and Ryan,
    Just to let you know that we are all thinking about you. Keep up the good spirits. Dick would like to know if you could get him a prescription for a "cranial protheses" preferably not grey!
    Love Dick, Jane and the "Crew"

    P.S. I think Bella would be a wonderful volunteer for the Cancer Center "Licks for Love"!

  6. Hi Ryan & Stine -
    Love the new pics. Stiner - you look great! Trust me, you are going to give the phrase "bald & beautiful" a whole new meaning!

    Miss you both and have you in my thoughts! Big love to Mrs. Becker!


  7. Hello Kristine,
    Good luck with the rest of your treatments. I wish you the best and you are in my thoughts. I look forward to reading about your recovery and also I am glad we still keep in touch. Take care of yourself and all the best to you. Also "hello" to all the Becker family!
    Mike R
