Monday, April 30, 2007

4/30 - Day 1, Cycle 3: A Gleam Hope

I'm not sure if we were more alert this morning after a phase of recuperation or if the gradual transformation of nature in just two weeks time (our last visit to the oncologist) had truly accumulated to a point of enthusiastic recognition. But as we were driving by the Pennsylvania Hospital we were awestruck by a magnificent display of spring bloom in the gardens of the southern edifice. What we were viewing was an enchanting spectacle of landscape at the site of the nations first hospital -- an 18th century building with a statue of Benjamin Franklin (the co-founder of the hospital) as its focal point and the harmonious blend of wisteria vines, azalea scrubs and multicolor tulips surrounding the semicircular lawn.

We didn't realize at the moment of our observation that this scene was an auspicious omen of hope. A symbol of the incredible power of nature's ability to transform while aided by the meticulous and dedicated attention of human care. Our 30 second sighting would soon poetically foreshadow the good news we so badly needed.

There is an escalated, palpable feeling of anxiety with each day before the first day of a chemotherapy cycle. For Kristine, the beginning of a cycle means slipping into a miserable trance where the only recollections she has are associated discomforts of pain, bad tastes and nausea. She held on to her last day for as long as she could by staying awake early into the morning talking to her friend Elaine who was visiting from San Francisco. In the days leading up to today she had become overwhelmed by an intense concern that the pressure she feels in her shoulder had increased which in turn led to doubts about her treatment. This concern had been looming without immediate evidence of her medications' effectiveness. In our early conversations with our oncologists it was discussed that without the success of chemotherapy the odds of survival, statistically speaking, were substantially reduced leaving fewer options.

Our conversation today, even though inconclusive, was very encouraging. Dr. Staddon was very pleased by Kristine's physical and mental demeanor. Review of her scans appears to show positive signs of tumor reduction as well as complete disappearance of any swelling in Kristine's subclavicular lymph nodes (those under the collar bone). Apparently, it's difficult to decipher fully from the scans, but Dr Staddon and his colleagues hypothesize that what looks like a serious of tumors lining the walls of the veins, superior vena cava and the upper chamber of the heart may actually be one central (nucleus) tumor with a long tentacle-like appendage that runs through the other blood vessels. This is good news as it makes for a less difficult surgery. The bad news is that the surgery Kristine faces is likely to be fairly invasive (of the "open-heart" type) though pretty standard procedures these days (Regis was walking within 2 days).

So although the battle is far from over (it sounds like Kristine has 4 more cycles of therapy ahead over the next 3 months followed by surgery to extract what's remaining, this is at the minimum) the odds have flipped back in Kristine's favor with what looks like a successful chemotherapy regiment. And if all works as planned, this is just another example of nature's power to transform with the aid of human care, attention and let's not forget an overwhelming swell of hope.

Also, thanks for voting. It looks like Kristine's wig is pulling ahead but the bald look is not far behind.


  1. That's excellent news Ryan! Thanks as usual for posting the latest information. Kristine, you have all of our love and support. Looking forward to spending more time with you during the better weeks, it was great to have time last week. I voted for the scarf since I thought you pulled it off amazingly but you can't go wrong.
    Miss you and we're really happy about the MRI results.
    Tami, Harper, Chloe & Kyoto

  2. Hi Kristine,
    I guess I'm the minority with the vote for the hat. They are really all great, so whatever suits your mood that day would look fabulous.
    So glad to hear your great news-- I am looking forward to seeing you in White Lake later this summer!!! Life is so unpredictable, you can only hope and pray for the best to come out of it. SSOOOO glad you got the good news you so deserve!
    Sending you all of my two-year- old's spunk!
    Angie and family (Meloche)

  3. Kristine
    What great news! I'm so glad you were able to see the good results before starting your next treatment. You look great in all of your pics! I especially like the long hair because the bangs are so cute. (By the way, did you know there is a Jamba Juice at the Whole Foods in Philly?)
    We're thinking of you,
    Shannon Nielsen

  4. Congratulations, Kristine, the love and prayers from your family and friends, plus your exceptional attitude and determination are paying off. That cancer CANNOT WIN - not when its up aginst the BECKER will.... Glad to hear that things are looking up.. keep up the Positive Spirit, and listen to your doctors... Deb and B rent

  5. so glad to hear the promising news! kristine, you are one of the strongest women i know. you will win this fight, no doubt about it! we are thinking of you this week. love, jeanna and rusty (rocki too!)

    p.s. maybe your shoulder was hurting from carrying all of those SHOPPING bags???

  6. Hi Kristine,
    I'm so glad to hear your good news. It's amazing the signs God gives us! We think of you and talk about you often and you are in my prayers daily. I think you look beautiful in all of your pics, but I do love the wig! I wish I could bottle up some of the twins energy for you this week!!
    Love, Jodi, Pat, Megan
    Ryan and Nicholas

  7. Hey Kristine,
    Congrats! It's *so* wonderful to read about your good news!! As for the "cranial prosthesis," you really don't have to think twice about any of those options -- you look amazing in all of the photos! Being of the "all or nothing" mindset, I am most fond of bald and the wig. When opting for bald, however, don't forget the SPF;)
    Lots of love,

  8. So exciting to hear the Good News!
    The power of positive thought - I agree with the Shopping Bags may have been too heavy.. I can come to Philly and caring the bags!!
    Please take care of yourself and you are going to kick this thing right where it deserves it!!

    Love Always


  9. Kristine this is great news. I know your strong will and determination will whip this thing.
    As far as the hair do, and coming from someone who is follically challenged, “Go with what you got”. Do be careful of the sun though.
    Ryan you must be a writter. Great job.
    Thinking of you,
    Kurt & Hillary Kruse
    P.S. Maybe a “Survivor” Buff would be appropriate.

  10. Hi Kristine, It is really great to here the good news. I will continue to wish you the best and again you keep FIGHTING LADY. As for your head dress, I think they are all great, but I voted for bald (it seems more natural)plus your smile brings the beauty out in all of styles. And Ryan you will continue to be blessed for your patience,courage and humor through all of Kristines up days and down days. Thanks for all the updates, they are so dseeply appreciated. Kristine, I will keep up with your blog as I go on vacation to Arizona 5-3-07 til 5-6-07. you are always in my prayers,I will keep praying while I'm away. Take care, you knock it out of the ball park this week. Lots Of LOVE' LATNEY (CSC)

  11. Kristine & Ryan--
    Reading the last entry certainly was great news. Knowing that your doctors are optimistic means a great deal. I hope it gives you the courage and strength to navigate the next few months. From Ryan's lovely description of the hospital grounds in full bloom, it sounds as though you are both finding strength from beauty, in all its many forms.
    Much love in the weeks ahead!

  12. K Teen.....

    Here's the poll from big sis' house.....I like them all..I thought the hat was cuter than the scarf, the wig was very cute but bald is beautiful.

    Tim thinks you can't go wrong with the wig but loves you bald. Kelsey, on the other hand said she liked the wig the best!

    Gregory and Brandon were unavailable for comment....We'll check with them later.

    Can't wait to see you on Friday!!!!

    Love you


  13. Woo-Hoo! This is very encouraging! Keep up the fight!

    Kelly Dempsey
