Monday, January 28, 2008

Frightened or Enlightened?

Thank-you so much for all of the comments. I got so excited tonight when I opened up the blog and had so many responses. It makes me feel like I am still connected to the outside world. It is amazing here but we are definitely in our own little paradise. They encourage you to not use your cell phones while you are here so I am pretty much just checking messages and returning any necessary calls. Other then that I was going to include the address to Hippocrates because I can receive mail here. I am not sure why but I think it would be really cool to get real mail.

So tonight we had a lecture about why we came to Hippocrates and the speaker Andy said that most of us were here because we are either frightened or enlightened. I loved that. Of course I am one of the frightened ones but I am not alone. I would say almost 60% of the people here are in my same boat. As much as I am committed to sticking to this raw diet, I relate to the people who would never go raw even more. I never thought anything was wrong with my diet. To be honest I thought I was pretty healthy. They told us to try and go raw a week or two before we arrived. Let me just say that I had pasta, pizza and wine the night before I arrived. OOPS!!

I am actually pretty happy that I waited to go raw because I had it all wrong! First of all I am supposed to stay away from fruit completely. It is extremely high in sugar. Now I knew this but I thought it was a healthy sugar. I mean it isn't a candy bar or anything. I also was eating a bunch of carrots and even had carrot juice. Big NO NO!! Carrot juice along with beets are also full of sugars. So many things I am not supposed to eat. Good thing I was eating french fries instead. (just kidding)

Today's biggest lesson was about protein. We have heard so many times that we need protein for a healthy diet. I can not tell you how many times people have asked me where I was going to be getting my protein from if I wasn't eating any meat or dairy. It ends up that the protein coming from meat is a complete myth. Don't get me wrong, there is protein in meat but there is more in live green foods then any steak you could serve. Their point was that there are so many mammals on this earth that only eat leafy greens and survive with plenty of protein. Like the 2000 pound cows that we eat on a regular basis. If they were left to their own devices they would just graze and eat grasses. I was taught today that one 2 ounce shot of wheat grass is equal to 5 pounds of vegetables. WOW!

It was an extremely busy day from 8am until 10pm. Pretty much non stop learning. I am looking forward to maybe a little bit of a slower schedule tomorrow. Sending you big green love from Florida,



  1. Beets!

    Glad you're learning a lot. I'll have to hit the store before you come over when you get home. All I have is sugar, sugar!


  2. Kristine

    2oz SHOTS - Now you have my attention. I can do that!
    Really it sounds very interesting. We are all going to learn so much.

    Love Auntie Jan

  3. Definitely let us in on the address down there. I love to send snail mail!!!
    Much love,

  4. Dear Raw Soul Sister! I am sending green vibes your way!
    Ps I love my hemp dress

  5. we miss you and are glad you'll be home in a few weeks - bringing new recipes for us!!! keep up the great work!! love, jeanna, rusty, christopher and rocki.

  6. Wow - I am always afraid if I do something like this they will tell me that everything I like to eat is bad for me! I think I could handle a 2oz shot .. sounds interesting and simple
    I have a friend who loves wine and just did blood tests for allegeries and found out she is allegric to Grapes.. Your adventure sounds bed then hers to start with it!

    Take Care and thinking of you often on this adventure!


  7. KB
    You didnt' tell us how avacado day went. Guess they didn't give chips and salsa with the avacado!!
    I love reading your updates.
    Thinking of you and can't wait to use our gift cards at Sephora

  8. You rock. Sounds like you are taking this all in.... Sending lots of big, green love right back to you...
    Please do post your address/room # there.
    hugs, Leigh

  9. Hey Kristine,

    Sounds like your three week jaunt in Florida is going to be eye opening as well as mentally stimulating too.

    Well, back in Philadelphia, you're very missed! Ran into Ryan last week and he said you were in Texas and then off to Florida.

    I wish you all the best and know you're thought of every day!

    Love and miss you lots!

    Kathy and Ruby :)

  10. Hope you know you're cooking at my house!!!

    NO Pizza, No Mcdonalds and no meat....hmmmm, that's all i know how to cook!!!!!

    I take after mom, remember?

    Love ya


  11. Kate is ready to start coloring her Aunt Teen some pictures to mail out.
    Sounds like you are already learning a lot and it's only the third day!
    Thinking about you everyday.
    Hugs and kisses from White Lake.
    (Hey, can you send some Florida weather our way!)
    Tom, Stephanie, Kate and Sarah

  12. Okay I am one of the protein people but I just thought it was a good question. As long as you know how to get it no problem. I thought you were allowed to eat fruit too. Oh well...if you feel good than that's what counts. Have you liked the food..what do you eat for breakfast? Alright sorry to bug you. All my love, Andrea

  13. Kristine,

    It's so great that you are doing this program. I loved the "Rah, Rah, Raw" heading...makes me smile, thinking back to your cheerleader days at EHS. Please post your mailing address, would love to send you mail.
    I hope silent day went you think I could try that with my 6-year old? Time for lunch, no wheatgrass, but I will have a big green salad in your honor.:-)
    Love the updates. Take care, be healthy & have fun!
    Love, Jill
