Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rah Rah Raw!!

O.K. There is a line for the computer so this is going to have to be a fast entry. Let me tell you what a day at Hippocrates is like:

8:00 first shot of wheat grass

9:00 Cucumber juice or green juice. It is actually quite tasty!

11:00 Another green drink

12:30 Lunch. All living greens. Lots of sprouts and vegetables. We do use a little olive oil and they have some pretty good raw dressings. Usually they will have a fun side dish. Yesterday was sushi and today was zucchini that spiraled like pasta with a yummy sauce.

4:00 Another Green Juice

5:30 2ND shot of wheat grass

6:00 Dinner. A similar but smaller portion then lunch.

Then water or tea the rest of the evening. The amazing part is that I hardly ever feel hungry. The day is full with all kinds of classes. From lectures to yoga. Everything has been very interesting so far. I am leaving so much out right now!!

Tomorrow is silent day. YES SILENT!! As you all know that is going to be very hard for me but I am up for the challenge. My friends Mike and Windy call me Captain Jibber Jabber. How fitting!! With that being said I will have a lot more time to write tomorrow so until then.

Sending Big Green Love,



  1. A day of silence I would be in really bad shape bursting at the seams to take - just because I am not supposed to!!!
    Good Luck!


  2. i used to get wheat grass shots all the time at Jamba Juice. (i followed them up with an evil orange slice, though!)

    i'll find out if the Haddonfield juice place has them. we'll swing by every time you're out here! (or we can grow it with that TV Infomercial Strawberry Patch thing!)

    when is the colonic? it better be before Ryan gets down there! you have to talk him into it!


  3. Hi Kristine. How in the hell are you going to manage a complete day of silence? It just doesn't seem natural.....I know that you can do it and I know that you will gain something positive from the experience! On a serious note, I can't tell you how proud of you I am. You have set your mind to something that is such a challenge, but obviously very important and I applaud you for seeing it through. I hope that you are feeling great and enjoying the time to focus on yourself. Ann :)

  4. Glad you are finding the food tasty and satisfying. Good luck tomorrow, Captain. :)
    - W

  5. green juice???? i'm assuming not like a margarita type green juice....i am glad you are enjoying yourself and hopefully resting up! love, jeanna

  6. Hi Greenie Girl

    Autumn and I are here reading your blog and we are running out to Whole Foods for a shot wheat grass in celebration. (Thats big for me :)
    We could use the veggies! See you are already helping to change lives..and as for silent day... HOLY crap I'd be kicked out so fast...we love you
    cant' wait to hear more..

    Cris and Autumn

  7. Is your entire group silent tomorrow???
    What an experience! In bocca al lupo!!
    Much love,
