Friday, January 25, 2008


Here I go!! I leave tomorrow for Florida and the beginning of my three week stay at Hippocrates. I plan on blogging everyday if possible. However, they only have one community computer so I will have to see how that goes. I am getting really excited about going raw. I am sure it will be another crazy experience.

Ryan is joining me on my second week and will be staying for one week. He is nervous about the free colonic that they offer. You can trade it in for a massage if you don't feel comfortable with the colonic. He says that the massage sounds more relaxing. I will be trying the colonic and will try and describe it as delicately as possible.

I hope to hear from everyone while I am there. I am sure I will make a couple friends but that actually worries Ryan more then anything. He thinks he is going to show up and I will be wearing a dress made of hemp and signing kumbaya with all my new hippy wheat grass drinking friends. Crazier things have happened. Peace, Love, and Save the Whales!!



  1. Good Luck Missy, The family is rooting for you. Remember Ozzy started his raw experience by biting the head off a that's RAW BABY. He's now a happy vegetarian. I know you'll set your goals high, but you don't need to try and outdo Ozzy. Leave the Flamingos alone..We love Ya !!!
    Happy Trails, Bill Layser

  2. Thinking of you every step of the way. I am looking forward to hearing all of the stories you will have from this adventure. There isn't any doubt you will leave FL with new friends. It's just not in your nature to have it any other way. Love you.....Colette

  3. You go girl! You are RAWsome! I am rooting for you and looking forward to hearing about your experience. Hope to see you in you

  4. I am wondering how many puns you can come up with for "Raw". raw some was pretty good. I will miss you. I hope you never get cancer again. I pray that you are well. I love you.Andrea

  5. i'm excited to hear how that wheat grass tastes!!! ohhh...and that colonic---should be interesting! best of luck and keep us posted.
    much love and luck, debbie

  6. Good Morning my Raw Soul Sister. I am sending green vibes. So proud ofg you.
    xxoo Elaine
    PS Everyone loves my hemp dress
