Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The word stable has always made me uncomfortable. All of you that know me personally will understand what I mean. I always kind of felt that stable would include a nice 2 car garage in the suburbs with 2.2 kids and the perfect ken doll husband. Now let's not get the wrong idea, there is nothing wrong with wanting or having any of that in your life. It just wasn't my thing. Usually when I started to feel too comfortable somewhere I would pick up and move just to keep it interesting. It was a lifestyle I enjoyed. The only rules I ever had were to not buy anything that wouldn't fit in my car and I never wanted to hear myself say, "I wish I could do that."

Today was one of the first times in my life that I welcomed someone calling me stable. You see I have been holding out on all of you with the fact that I had my follow-up scans on last Thursday. Dr Staddon said that things looked pretty much the same as my last scans. Exactly what every cancer patient hopes to hear. I knew in my head and my heart that everything was going to be fine. Now my goal is to just keep it that way.

Of course, my family and a few close friends knew about my appointment today. Everyone kept asking me if I was worried or stressed. I knew it would be normal to feel that way but I just kept telling myself that worrying about it does not change the results. Besides I have to believe in my mind that cancer is behind me and the rest of my stable or unstable life is ahead. I do know that whatever lies ahead I will embrace it with open arms. I have learned so much this past year and feel truly grateful for everyday to come. I really can not wait to see what tomorrow brings. It is funny that I no longer feel the need to move to another city to keep things interesting. Life has a funny way of doing that for me.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Breaking It Down

I feel a bit overwhelmed by the facts I have learned in the last month. It is weird how you learn things and then to you it is just common knowledge. I keep forgetting to write about some of the more important things that I learned at Hippocrates. So tonight I am going to try and get some of that information out to all of you.

First let's talk organic. Most people know that organic is better because they do not use pesticides to help grow the produce so we don't end up digesting chemicals. When they certify something to be organic it also means that they are using the soil properly. This means that the farmers change the crops to different fields every year and sometimes they will even let an area "rest". This means that the soil gets a chance to regain the minerals it needs to grow healthy fruits and vegetables. What happens in a lot of non organic farms is that they continually plant the same vegetables and deplete the soil of all nutrients so basically every year the plants get less and less nutrients. The thing that most people do not know about organic is that they do not let anyone radiate the vegetables. Many years ago they found that if they radiated the fruits and vegetables they would last weeks longer. Radiation kills the enzymes in the food which basically makes the breakdown of the product much slower. However, by killing the enzymes you loose out on most of the nutrients when you digest it. So not only are you not getting the enzymes you are eating the pesticides. If you don't believe me try this at home. Buy two of the same vegetables, one conventional and one organic and put them on your kitchen counter and watch the organic one break down much faster. You will be amazed. They also don't usually wax organic vegetables, so maybe they don't look as pretty as those conventional ones but basically they are the real deal. The prices for organic are higher but you can see that they are well worth the extra pennies...O.K. Maybe dollars but it is a small price to pay for quality. The more demand there is for organic then the more competitive the market will become. Did you know that Italy just became the first all organic country. It is going to be a few years until the change is complete but it is happening. How interesting that we are going back to the old ways of growing things. I guess newer isn't always better.

I am leaving you with these thoughts today. I have more interesting facts coming your way this week. Hope everyone is doing well and eating your veggies. Just a quick note to my friend Ann...no sprouts shouldn't be brown. Nice job trusting your instincts!!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Living It

I have been set free from my raw enviroment for 5 days now and things are going O.K. so far. Orlando was not an easy place to start this diet but I just did the best I could. My sisters were very supportive by driving me 15 minutes to the local wheatgrass place everyday. It made me appreciate how easy it was to be on campus and how everything was prepared for me. I am happy to home and to start learning how to make this work day in and day out. Ryan is being awesome and had the juicer, dehydrater and a new food processer waiting for me when I arrived. Now I just have to learn how to use it all.

The staff at Hippocrates warned me about how people were going to react to my raw diet. It is funny how everyone is really fasinated by what I am doing and everyone has lots of questions. I don't really bring it up but I find that everyone wants to talk about it which is fine by me. However, when they ask me questions, they don't really want the answers. I find that when I answer their questions and tell them what I have learned they always respond in a very defensive way. I feel like I am trying to stick up for this lifestyle choice which is really awkward because to be honest I don't really want to have to do it. I am trying to save my life. Just because I am not eating any fruit doesn't mean you shouldn't eat fruit. I am the one with the cancer. Just because I am doing this diet doesn't mean that all of your diets are terrible and only mine is the right way. My choices are not your choices. I am happy to share my experience with everyone and if you take away nothing that is fine with me. I will not be judging you for what you decide to do with you diet. I am not going to say I won't worry about you if you are eating microwaved foods everyday, because I will, because now I know better and so do you. I will continue to share the information I have learned but I just wanted to vent a little because I am not the raw food poster child. This is really hard for me. It was just three weeks ago that I was eating pasta and drinking wine. Please ask me all of the questions you can come up with and I am happy to try and answer them the best I can but please don't throw those answers back in my face and make me try to justify them to you. To be honest I don't even think I could. I am very new at this and I am just trying to get by day by day.

Hippocrates raw living is a very extreme way of life and they have a great track record for healing people like me. I just hope that none of you are ever in a position like this that you have to make extreme decisions with your life. Maybe if you find the strength to make small changes now it will impact your futures so you will never have to walk in my shoes. Love ya,


Saturday, February 16, 2008


Today is my last day at Hippocrates and it has been a life changing experience. This place is more then special. I am sad to say goodbye to all of my new friends. We are already talking about a reunion next year some place fun. Of course I voluntered to organize it. I have over 25 e-mails of people from around the world. If any of you are interested I will count you in.

Last night was graduation. It would be hard for me to describe graduation for you. It is very emotional and inspirational. I think that if I am ever in the area on a Friday I would just stop in to remember the magic of my stay. You get such strength from hearing of the others who have suceeded before you.

I know I originally said I was going to write everyday of my stay here and pass on the information that I have learned but I feel like I have written alot more about what I was feeling then what I was learning. I have so many things I need to share. With that being said please stay tuned for more of the technical mumbo jumbo.

My sisters, Gretchen and Colette are picking me up in about 15 minutes and then I am on my way to Orlando for three days. I have packed lot's of nuts, sweet peppers, sprouts and two bottles of green juice to get my through until I get home. Do you think they serve shots of wheatgrass at Universal Studios? Wish me luck....I am going to need it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today is my one year anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer. I feel like I could take on the world. I wasn't sure how I would feel when I woke up today but I am so excited for my future. Probably because I know I will have one. As much as this last year has been hard on me I am truely grateful for all I have learned. Cancer was my wake up call to a life I was taking for granted. I have to thank all of you because I beleive that it is all of my friends and family that have given me the strength to stay positive.

I know I have complained about my new raw diet and all of you are right. There are going to be good days and bad. Today I am going to talk about the good. I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY!! I am never really tired. I am also looking forward to not fighting with Ryan about what we are going to eat for dinner. We already know....sprouts. ha ha! The other thing I have found amazing is that when it is time to eat, sometimes I just don't feel like it. I am not on a schedule of breakfast, lunch, dinner. Food is going to fit into my life instead of food dictating when I do things. I will eat when I am hungry instead of when I am supposed to. That is really liberating.

I want to write so much more but once again there is a line for the computer so I must go. I have one last request. Everyone needs to try and have a salad for lunch in honor of my anniversary and I want to hear about what you ordered. Happy lunches for everyone.

I love you all,


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Long Road Ahead

Yesterday was not a good day for me. I woke up grumpy and was not happy to be here. I was starting to get over all of the sprouts and green drinks. All I really wanted was a pizza. This food is so mundane. Everyday the same thing. Well actually they always throw in something new but it tastes the same as everything else. I was extremely frustrated and all I could think of was how in the world was I going to be able to stick to this diet for the rest of my life? I keep thinking if it was just vegan I could do it. At least things are cooked. You have way more options and the selection is more interesting. I think that there are maybe ten foods that I can even eat. I am not kidding. This is going to be hard. Harder then I ever imagined.

Here at Hippocrates they say that food is very emotional and social. I totally agree. It makes me happy to eat good food. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because all you do is sit around with friends and family and eat. My social calander consists of lunches with friends pretty regularly. The suggestion is that I just order salads and bring sprouts in my purse to put on my salad. Really? This will be an adjustment and it is already a rollercoaster ride. Yesterday, all I could think of was no way can I do this and today I am much more calm and all I keep saying is one day at a time. Let's see what I say tomorrow.

The crazy part is that I missed dinner tonight and I am not even hungry. I am conditioned to want to eat because that's what you do every evening. Also I had been on this diet for over two weeks and I am happy to announce that I have only lost two pounds. It isn't like I am starving or anything. Just craving pizza....and ice cream.....and cheese.....and a good glass of wine....you get the picture.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Train from Philadelphia

When Kristine first told me that she was going to spend three weeks at a holistic healing center in Florida to learn about moving to a raw food diet I frankly thought she had completely gone nuts. At first I thought that the hallucinations she had experienced back in her last round of chemo had officially altered her good judgment. But when my initial reaction of silence followed by laughter was met with sour disapproval, I realized that this was no passing fancy and that I was destined to be dragged into the deep end of the produce aisle.

My research on the Hippocrates Health Institute and on raw vegetarianism left me even more skeptical. There is little research that I could find to prove or disprove that a raw vegetarian diet has any health benefits at all, let alone the miraculous benefits that the Institute's testimonials claim. To me the Directors of the Institute looked like hippy freaks promoting the benefits of uncooked food -- just as nature had intended -- and colonics... surely NOT what nature had ever intended. I mean really, I can maybe get my head around the idea that a plant based diet is a more natural one for humans since the human is the only animal to cook its food while larger mammals (i.e., cows, horses, whales, etc.) live entirely off of raw plant life. However, I have a hard time believing that a plastic tube inserted into one's bum for the purpose of "cleansing" one's colon is the best way to regain one's natural health.

Despite my uncertainty this was about Kristine. It was not about me, the protection of my colonic virginity or my health. At least that's what I thought.

My experience at the Institute was actually rather enjoyable. The campus is a self contained little oasis in the middle of the warm West Palm, Florida sun. The pathways wind around the property shaded by large tropical palms. Benches and hammocks are set into niches carved into the lush green flora. Stucco and terracotta roofed common buildings and lodges are integrated into the tranquil landscape. One small path leads to a large pool area with three therapy pools, a Jacuzzi and a sauna. Waterfall pools and installations trickle and flow at every turn. The campus is peaceful and relaxing making it more like a spa than a food camp.

The wheatgrass shots were not bad at all and I warmed up to the green juice after about the third day. I'll even go as far as to say that I grew to like the cucumber, celery and sprout cocktail and will not mind continuing the practice of juicing veggies at home. The lunch and dinner salads made up of lettuce, a variety of sprouts and sprouted beans, and the occasional special surprise salad left me craving anything but greens. But even these luster lacking meals became tolerable by day four or five. And on my last day the “barbecue ribs” made of crushed nuts had me almost fooled.

On Thursday, I had the dreaded colonic. It was conducted by a small woman with a German accent who had to be in her 80s. She was full of energy and more passionate about colonics than I have ever been about anything in my entire life. She talked me through every step of the procedure to allay my anxiety as if I were a 15 year old virgin boy visiting a lady of the night. She presented the implement and I quivered in a flash of panic. In my mind I thought that my initiation into this kind of thing wouldn’t occur until I was 40+ visiting the proctologist for my first examination. But I put on my big boy pants and let this Dr. Ruth of colonics work her magic. She called my cleanse a “5-star” and at one point as we watch the impacted materials and fluid run through the tube she said, “Look at this train from Philadelphia!” I do feel a ton better after the procedure but if given the option again, I think I’ll choose an extra massage.

I definitely took a great deal away from the experience. The people there have some amazing and empowering stories. Some have come for the first time with hopes, like Kristine, of curing a disease or ailment outside of the limits of conventional medicine. Others are repeat visitors coming to share their success stories and embrace a lifestyle they are convinced contributed to more than just their wellbeing.

There are some truths that all of us should consider and embrace in our eating habits if we care at all about living our lives to the fullest. I don’t know that I am fully convinced that raw is the way to go. But I will say junk food is dragging us down and we all eat way too much animal product (meat and dairy) and not enough plant based food. I myself am going to make a concerted effort to embrace this raw vegan lifestyle with Kristine although I think that reality will cause me to be more of a flexitarian (one who is vegetarian but makes occasional exceptions for social and pragmatic reasons).


Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Real World

I have been slacking a bit on writing everyday. When Ryan arrived I had to move my accomadations to a house that was about a 10 minute walk from the grounds and it wasn't really convenient. Ryan left today and I moved back to my original cabin so I will hopefully be back to my daily update. I was sad to drop Ryan at the airport this morning. We really had a nice time together. He promised to write about his Hippocrates experience tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Today I was excited to see my Mom! She flew to Florida on Thursday to see my sister and my neice. It was supposed to be a surprise but us Becker's are not really good at keeping secrets. OPPS!! Anyway, we left before lunch to drop Ryan at the airport and when we get in the car I smell french fries! They were not going to be tricked into eating raw. They had stopped by Wendy's on the way. They offered to take me to a raw restaurant nearby so I could get something to eat. I was excited to get something different from my same Hippocrates salad.

The raw restaurant opens inside of a pizza place that is closed on the weekends so it is only open Friday-Sunday. I thought it was open all day...big mistake. On Saturdays they are only open for dinner and the pizza place serves the regular menu. So I just make the best of it and order the garden salad to go. We waited about 20 minutes for this salad and we were short on time. Finally it is done and I go up to pay and find that they had put oil and vineager all over it. By this time I am hungry and frustrated and I just figure that I will make the best of it. A little bit of vineager won't kill me.....right??

Then this afternoon we head to Whole Foods to get me something to eat for dinner. I thought this would be an easy task. I guess I just didn't realize how frustrating it is to walk into Whole Foods and still not be able to eat 90% of the food there. I bought some veggies, hummus and used the salad bar. Of course there aren't any salad dressing I could use so a plain salad with radishes and onion is all I can muster up. At this point I have been in the grocery store for almost 30 minutes and have like three things. I then go to the juice bar and ask them if they would consider juiceing some cucumbers and celery for me if I buy them and bring them over. They agreed. So I get all of my organic veggies and bring them over and they put them through the juicer and I end up with a brown juice. WHAT?? Cucumbers and celery are both green. They inform me that they also juice beets and there must still be some beet juice in the machine. Well, I can not have beets. (Too much sugar) I tell them I can't have beet juice and they start to huff and puff and then I do it....I pull out the cancer card. This seems to shut them up for the moment. Anyway, I finally get my juice and do a shot of wheatgrass and we head home. At this point I am really starting to see how frustrating a raw diet is going to be. This is not an easy venture.

The weirdest moment today was when we were trying to get some help at customer service on where we might find some raw products and she asks me if I am vegan. I answer yes but I am thinking to myself no. It just isn't me.....yet. It is going to be a hard transformation. Wish me luck because I am going to need it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Don't Believe It Till You See It

I am your biggest skeptic. I feel like I am always questioning everything I am told. I am not afraid to be different or to stand out. To break it down, I have a big mouth and I am not afraid to use it. Some say it is part of my charm. ha ha!!

So when I decided to come to Hippocrates I didn't know what to expect. I wanted to be open to any possibility that might make me well. I just didn't want to continue to live the same way I had been before cancer because that apparently didn't work out so well. Also, if the cancer ever comes back no one could say that I didn't try everything to beat it. I will be honest, the raw vegan diet was not appealing and it still really isn't. It is going to take some getting used to. I will say that the things I have seen so far are big motivators.

First I met a girl named Julie. She is in her late 40's or early 50's. The first day of being here we compared our cancers. She has a cancer that started in her mouth. (no she doesn't smoke) The cancer had spread and it was on her sternum and neck. The tumor on her neck was sticking out and was the size of half a baseball. It was hard to miss. She read about Hippocrates before she came and started wheatgrass shots twice daily and saw some improvement. Her diet still wasn't quite right, kind of like mine was with lots of sugar. Since she has been here I have watched her everyday and have seen with my own eyes the tumor shrinking. She has had no medications or chemo. She refused them all and decided to go the natural approach. It is amazing to see that kind of progress in under two weeks. It is stories like Julie's that give me strength to keep on eating raw.

My own interesting fact is my hair. The first time it grew back it was probably 50% grey. When I started my next round of chemo, after my surgery, I decided to give up red meat. When my hair grew back the second time it didn't look as grey. I thought it was just my imagination. However, as I have been here, my hair gets darker everyday. Once again I thought I must have just been in bad lighting but people keep commenting on my hair getting darker. It is hard to deny that they are right. I have also looked around at all of the people that work here. Some in their 60's and 70's and they don't have a grey hair on their heads and let's not even talk about wrinkles. How do you explain that. You might say they dye it. I would have to tell you that I could spot a dye job a mile away. I have been dying my hair since I was 18 after all. What it comes down to is that there has got to be something to this lifestyle. I keep trying to find some flaws in it so I can continue to have pizza, wine and chocolate but I am running out of excuses. If I find one you will be first to know.

Love ya,

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

but, But, BUTT!!!!

O.K. I have been holding out on all of you. I didn't want to give away all of the details until Ryan arrived. I was afraid he would find an excuse to cancel. I know I told everyone that I would be doing a colonic and I was fine with that. What I didn't know was that the program included more then I had anticipated. When I arrived I attended a class on cleansing your system. This includes daily enimas that you give to yourself. I for one have never done an enema. I was immediately uncomfortable. However just when they finish with that lecture they tell you after your enema you need to do a 4ounce implant of wheatgrass twice a day. Implant? What is that? Oh, please let me explain. An implant is just like an enema but you try and hold it for up to 15-20 minutes. O.K. so now I have signed up to have a colonic, a daily enima and twice a day I need to put 4 ounces of wheatgrass up my butt. Let me just say that my rear end has never seen so much action. It did take me a couple of days to build up the courage but once I did it wasn't really a big deal.

The reason for using the colon is that it absords better then taking things through your stomach and digestive system. There was one more treatment that they wanted me to sign up for but I passed. It was a mineral compound called silver that helps boost the immune system. However, you will never guess where they wanted me to put this. Think hard........I know you can get it...........Just think about the busiest place in Florida and no it is not Disneyland. Oh yes, you got it......my anus! Again, I passed.

Now onto the colonic. I had my first one yesterday. I was told I did very well. She said I was a very good releaser. Great! I will be sure to put that on my resume. It is a very intense experience. Once they filled me up with water, I looked about 3 months pregnant. My stomach was huge. Then the releasing started. It is crazy to watch all of that junk coming out of my body. She pointed out things of interest. Such as hard deposits that were wedged inside, she also told me that I needed to chew my food better. The whole experience was interesting but about half way through I did want that tube out of my rear. I was starting to get uncomfortable. I did make it through the whole hour and I have one more scheduled before I leave. Of course, I will keep you posted on all the DIRTY details.

How is Ryan doing??? I will let him give you his own opinion. He has agreed to write after this week on his own findings at Hippocrates. He is not sure if he is completely on board for the whole program and that is totally up to him. I will be interested in his view.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Rybaby Arrives!

Sorry that there wasn't a posting this morning. The computer was down last night. I have to run to make it to all of my lectures but just wanted to let everyone know that Ryan made it and he is adjusting very well at the moment. He did however go on a bit of a binge before he got here so he might have some detox problems this week. Until later,


Saturday, February 2, 2008

No Nukie Nukie!!

So when I started this program I promised myself that I was not going to preach to all of my friends and family and tell them what to eat and not eat. I know that if the tables were turned I would be eating a big fat steak with red wine right now. However, I need to lecture just this once. (O.K. there might be a few more but I pomise only worthwhile information.) With that being said, lets talk microwaves. My plea of the evening is to please stop using them!! When you heat up anything in the microwave it changes the molecular structure of the food or drinks and then they are no longer even the substance that you initially put in there. They become extremely toxic. I hope my mother is reading this right now and will stop warming up her coffee in the micro. Make a new pot. It costs under a dollar. As much as I am worried about my Mother. I am more worried about all of my friends and family that have kids. Please, Please, Please don't cook any of your childrens food in the microwave. They all deserve the very best!

I will tell you about a study that was done at Hippocrates and if you don't beleive it you can do your own study at home. It might just be really educational for you and your family. So they took two of the same plants and started watering them. In one they used good clean water. In the other they would use water that had been in the microwave. Needless to say that the plant using the microwaved water died within a few short weeks. There are more facts to the microwaving but I am not going to list them all. Just please think twice before putting anything in there.

When I arrived at Hippocrates I was wearing my short red wig that is in the shape of a bob. People kept coming up to me and telling me how much they liked my hair. "What a great cut." "I love the color!" I didn't really tell them it was a wig. I figured they would find out soon enough when I broke out the new hair style. Right now my hair is about 3/4 of inch long and pretty much looks like a cap. It is about the length you would expect from someone that just got out of the army. I think it looks extremely masculine. However, everyone else tells me how great it looks and that I can really wear short hair. I am not sure if they are just being nice or that they truly believe I can pull off a crew cut. Today I found out.

When Gretchen picked me up and we went to do some shopping. We decide to try on some things and headed to the fitting rooms. When we got back there I saw this very pretty women trying on the most elegant dress I have seen in a long time. As we were trying on clothes I kept talking about how great the girl had looked in the dress. I was going on and on about how great she looked, when Grecthen says, "Well don't tell her." I replied, "Why not?" Then she says, "Because she might think you are hitting on her." We cracked up. Really, as much as I might be able to pull off really short hair. I still look a little like a lesbian. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I am looking forward to a few more inches.

Well Ryan arrives tomorrow and I have a feeling that it should be an interesting week. I am hoping that I might be able to get him to write a blog and give his opinion of Hippocrates. He has alot of surprises ahead. I have given him no warnings of any kind. I want him to have his own experience. All I know is that I am very lucky that he has decided to come and experience this with me. All of my new Hippocrates friends are blown away by the fact that he is even coming. The only thing I know he will enjoy is the 80 degree weather. I heard that there was a big snow storm up north last week. Hang in there my frozen commrades and have something warm, just don't microwave it!! Love ya,


Friday, February 1, 2008

Living in the RAW!

So today was graduation day for all of the people who have been here for their three weeks. It was incredibly moving. I can't really put it into words but it was truely an experience. They called each one of the graduates forward and they all had something to say. Some were intense, some were sweet and some were just plain hysterical. It is sad to see some of these people leave, but you can see in their eyes that they are excited to get home and start living in the raw.

So when I first arrived they took my blood and they are doing multiple tests to check all of my levels. They also did a finger prick and looked at my blood under a microscope. They were actually surprised at how good my blood looked for someone that had been through chemo and radiation. The cells were sticking together and did not have a lot of oxygen between them but I guess this is normal if you are not eating a healthy diet. The Doctor did say when she looked at my blood that she could see that the cancer started over ten years ago. She asked me if anything tramatic had happened to me around that time. I am not sure how accurate her diagnosis was but it was extemely interesting.

At this appointment with the Doctor they look everything over and decide what supplements you should be taking. She then assigned me 8 different supplements. When I left all I could think of was...I hate taking pills!! I then added up all of these supplements and realized they were going to cost me over $500.00. My first reaction was, no way. I planned on going back to her and asking if I could scale back on the supplements. Then as I was walking I started to think. I never questioned any of my oncology doctors when they prescribed all of their drugs. I just trusted them and paid whatever the price. I then decided that if I was going to believe and trust that this lifestyle can work then I needed to go for it and not question them. At this point I have seen and read so many sucess stories about people who were like me and told that they had uncurable cancer and are still here to tell their stories. I will be one of them!!

Tomorrow night I am going off property with my sister Gretchen and spending the night with her. This will be my first test out in the real world. I will not lie to you.....I am nervous. I don't have the best will power when it comes to food. I actually had my follow-up therapy appointment today, (yes, I cried for the whole hour.) and I told him that it frustrated me to think that I would go off this diet when I know it could save my life. Don't I care enough to save my own life. Is a peice of bread with butter really worth it.....no.....but maybe a glass of wine is. Ha Ha!! Anyway, I just keep telling myself that I will do my best and anything I do is more then what I was doing before.

Well as a last note I have to tell you that the computer I am writing on is in the gym and there is this guy working out and he is grunting and groaning so much. It sounds like he is having sex. It is a bit disturbing. I can barely pay attention to what I am writing. Until tomorrow,


P.S. This is to answer my friend Andrea's question about what we eat for breakfast. We actually don't eat breakfast. The green drinks keep you very full and you really don't need anything else. I was assigned breakfast if I wanted it because I didn't want to lose any more weight but I was never really hungry for it so I passed. So far I have only lost two pounds. We are not starving here, that is for sure.