Saturday, February 2, 2008

No Nukie Nukie!!

So when I started this program I promised myself that I was not going to preach to all of my friends and family and tell them what to eat and not eat. I know that if the tables were turned I would be eating a big fat steak with red wine right now. However, I need to lecture just this once. (O.K. there might be a few more but I pomise only worthwhile information.) With that being said, lets talk microwaves. My plea of the evening is to please stop using them!! When you heat up anything in the microwave it changes the molecular structure of the food or drinks and then they are no longer even the substance that you initially put in there. They become extremely toxic. I hope my mother is reading this right now and will stop warming up her coffee in the micro. Make a new pot. It costs under a dollar. As much as I am worried about my Mother. I am more worried about all of my friends and family that have kids. Please, Please, Please don't cook any of your childrens food in the microwave. They all deserve the very best!

I will tell you about a study that was done at Hippocrates and if you don't beleive it you can do your own study at home. It might just be really educational for you and your family. So they took two of the same plants and started watering them. In one they used good clean water. In the other they would use water that had been in the microwave. Needless to say that the plant using the microwaved water died within a few short weeks. There are more facts to the microwaving but I am not going to list them all. Just please think twice before putting anything in there.

When I arrived at Hippocrates I was wearing my short red wig that is in the shape of a bob. People kept coming up to me and telling me how much they liked my hair. "What a great cut." "I love the color!" I didn't really tell them it was a wig. I figured they would find out soon enough when I broke out the new hair style. Right now my hair is about 3/4 of inch long and pretty much looks like a cap. It is about the length you would expect from someone that just got out of the army. I think it looks extremely masculine. However, everyone else tells me how great it looks and that I can really wear short hair. I am not sure if they are just being nice or that they truly believe I can pull off a crew cut. Today I found out.

When Gretchen picked me up and we went to do some shopping. We decide to try on some things and headed to the fitting rooms. When we got back there I saw this very pretty women trying on the most elegant dress I have seen in a long time. As we were trying on clothes I kept talking about how great the girl had looked in the dress. I was going on and on about how great she looked, when Grecthen says, "Well don't tell her." I replied, "Why not?" Then she says, "Because she might think you are hitting on her." We cracked up. Really, as much as I might be able to pull off really short hair. I still look a little like a lesbian. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I am looking forward to a few more inches.

Well Ryan arrives tomorrow and I have a feeling that it should be an interesting week. I am hoping that I might be able to get him to write a blog and give his opinion of Hippocrates. He has alot of surprises ahead. I have given him no warnings of any kind. I want him to have his own experience. All I know is that I am very lucky that he has decided to come and experience this with me. All of my new Hippocrates friends are blown away by the fact that he is even coming. The only thing I know he will enjoy is the 80 degree weather. I heard that there was a big snow storm up north last week. Hang in there my frozen commrades and have something warm, just don't microwave it!! Love ya,



  1. Thanks for the tip on microwaves. The scary thing I mostly use it to heat up Jack's food.
    I'm gonna try not using it starting today. Wish me luck.
    - W
    P.S. The lesbian thing had me rolling. :)

  2. Well Kristine, what a tough habit to break (using the microwave) but checking into it and learning some facts that will help to convince the family to make some changes is well worth while. I appreciate the information and hope that you would share anything else that you feel is good knowledge for your friends and family that follow your blog. I for one thank you and ask you to keep up the good work! Love, Ann R.

  3. Hi Kris, I'm sitting here watching the Super Bowl Halftime and I find myself thinking of you. Someone just IM'd me and wanted to know which team I wanted to win. I thought about it a moment, because my real team isn't playing, and said I wanted my friends team to win. He said "huh", and I explained your journey to him. I want you and your team to win !!!

    Hope this is an excellent week with Ryan by your side. I'm sure he'll gain a lot of knowledge this week. Hope Ruff is doing well too.

    GOOOOOOOOOO TEAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Put it all on green, Bill xxxo

  4. you said no nukie nukie and I thought I have to give up everything AND sex...can't do it! THANK goodness you meant microwave! I can do the stove ok?? I will start making Hannah's food in a few months so let me know if I heat up in oven or stove if that is bad too? also, Biff and I went to eat at that smoothie place I took you and I had my FIRST wheatgrass ginger shot! WOW, Biff was so grossed out but I said if she can do 2 weeks there I can at least support her with a shot! The ginger makes is so much better. Glad I had my veggies excited that Ry Baby joining you tomorrow and can't wait to hear about his responses too....we are excited the Giants won and miss you alot
    and by the way I always tell you the truth...and I love the short demi moore hair it is very sexy and not lesi....can't wait to see you soon
    love you

  5. Dear Kristine, I wish I looked as good with hair as you look without it. (Trevor can attest to this). I think Brad had a wig on at the Golden Globes..really I have never seen him with so much hair in my life !!!!! I have always hated microwaves and this confirms I will use it no more..tho when eating raw you don't even need it!!! xxoo Hugs to Ryan
