Friday, February 1, 2008

Living in the RAW!

So today was graduation day for all of the people who have been here for their three weeks. It was incredibly moving. I can't really put it into words but it was truely an experience. They called each one of the graduates forward and they all had something to say. Some were intense, some were sweet and some were just plain hysterical. It is sad to see some of these people leave, but you can see in their eyes that they are excited to get home and start living in the raw.

So when I first arrived they took my blood and they are doing multiple tests to check all of my levels. They also did a finger prick and looked at my blood under a microscope. They were actually surprised at how good my blood looked for someone that had been through chemo and radiation. The cells were sticking together and did not have a lot of oxygen between them but I guess this is normal if you are not eating a healthy diet. The Doctor did say when she looked at my blood that she could see that the cancer started over ten years ago. She asked me if anything tramatic had happened to me around that time. I am not sure how accurate her diagnosis was but it was extemely interesting.

At this appointment with the Doctor they look everything over and decide what supplements you should be taking. She then assigned me 8 different supplements. When I left all I could think of was...I hate taking pills!! I then added up all of these supplements and realized they were going to cost me over $500.00. My first reaction was, no way. I planned on going back to her and asking if I could scale back on the supplements. Then as I was walking I started to think. I never questioned any of my oncology doctors when they prescribed all of their drugs. I just trusted them and paid whatever the price. I then decided that if I was going to believe and trust that this lifestyle can work then I needed to go for it and not question them. At this point I have seen and read so many sucess stories about people who were like me and told that they had uncurable cancer and are still here to tell their stories. I will be one of them!!

Tomorrow night I am going off property with my sister Gretchen and spending the night with her. This will be my first test out in the real world. I will not lie to you.....I am nervous. I don't have the best will power when it comes to food. I actually had my follow-up therapy appointment today, (yes, I cried for the whole hour.) and I told him that it frustrated me to think that I would go off this diet when I know it could save my life. Don't I care enough to save my own life. Is a peice of bread with butter really worth maybe a glass of wine is. Ha Ha!! Anyway, I just keep telling myself that I will do my best and anything I do is more then what I was doing before.

Well as a last note I have to tell you that the computer I am writing on is in the gym and there is this guy working out and he is grunting and groaning so much. It sounds like he is having sex. It is a bit disturbing. I can barely pay attention to what I am writing. Until tomorrow,


P.S. This is to answer my friend Andrea's question about what we eat for breakfast. We actually don't eat breakfast. The green drinks keep you very full and you really don't need anything else. I was assigned breakfast if I wanted it because I didn't want to lose any more weight but I was never really hungry for it so I passed. So far I have only lost two pounds. We are not starving here, that is for sure.


  1. Don't worry, I'll try and keep you on track. Remember, its only one night. I know you have the will power!!!!! Can't wait to see you. Be there at 1.

    Love ya


  2. Hi Kristine, I follow your blog and progress when you post. You sound so full of mental energy and enthusiasum. Ser Gut !!
    Yeah, I know what you mean about that guy in the gym. He has the same consideration as my husband. I'm laying here in bed reviewing your Blog. I'm on my back with the laptop on my stomach. My husband keeps hitting the top of his head on the back of the laptop....Darn Men
    xo carry on xo

  3. So glad to hear you are enjoying the program and learning alot! Sounds like a very spiritual experiment...maybe I can eat a green shake for breakfast and one for lunch and a sensible dinner? haha that would be a start. no really I can't wait to hear about all the receipes and since you last visit I find it hard every time I go to eat red meat-although sometimes I still do! Hannah sends her love and can't wait for her aunt to whip her up some organic bananas-opps no fruit, mayb eorganic avocados?
    By the way we met 10 years ago and I know exactly where we were then and how far we have come! Keep cleaning out the system internally and mentally girlfriend! I love you

  4. HI Kristine. Enjoy your time with your sister and don't be too hard on yourself. Just do the best that you can and like you said the changes that you are making are much more than you were doing before! I'm off to one of Justin's hockey games out of town and yes, once in a while I want to bring back a real old fashion cheer or two!!! Those were the days! Love & Hugs, Ann R.

  5. Green Goddess..I am sending more vibes..Remember it takes at least 21 days for new habits to form...also no worries about prparing 3 days before Roxanne has a new whole foods raw line..pick to go and reasonable..forget about ordering pizza!!
    Love and Raw hugs from Elaine and the boys xxx
