Saturday, February 16, 2008


Today is my last day at Hippocrates and it has been a life changing experience. This place is more then special. I am sad to say goodbye to all of my new friends. We are already talking about a reunion next year some place fun. Of course I voluntered to organize it. I have over 25 e-mails of people from around the world. If any of you are interested I will count you in.

Last night was graduation. It would be hard for me to describe graduation for you. It is very emotional and inspirational. I think that if I am ever in the area on a Friday I would just stop in to remember the magic of my stay. You get such strength from hearing of the others who have suceeded before you.

I know I originally said I was going to write everyday of my stay here and pass on the information that I have learned but I feel like I have written alot more about what I was feeling then what I was learning. I have so many things I need to share. With that being said please stay tuned for more of the technical mumbo jumbo.

My sisters, Gretchen and Colette are picking me up in about 15 minutes and then I am on my way to Orlando for three days. I have packed lot's of nuts, sweet peppers, sprouts and two bottles of green juice to get my through until I get home. Do you think they serve shots of wheatgrass at Universal Studios? Wish me luck....I am going to need it.


  1. Congratulations Kristine! What can I say.....I knew that you would make it through and not only lean a great deal, but once again add to your sea of friends. I am very proud of you and hope you have a great time with your sisters. Enjoy! Ann :)

  2. Wow Kristine! What a journey. You have really inspire me! I have heard a little about this diet before and am very curious to learn more from you. I think I had heard about the whole microwave/plant water thing before and this reminded me. We live in such a strange environment where everything has to be fast and "convenient" so we can do more, but it seems so ironic that the things which are marketed to make our lives faster and better drag us down and do so much harm. Just think of how much you will save in groceries, guess the vitamins will make up for it, tee hee! I admire your for taking the plunge and diving right in, just like you do in the rest of your life. I am especially interested in the wheatgrass shots and how you make them. Can't wait to catch up, call me when you are back and settled in. I'd love to take a walk or have tome tea together. xoxo Simone.

  3. Ha! I wonder about wheat grass at Universal- maybe they've gone holistic, who knows? It's all done-It must be a great feeling that you are joining the outside world again... It seems like FOREVER ago that we dropped you off there, certainly longer than 3 weeks. wow. Enjoy your nuts and sprouts AND your sisters!! love you, Leigh

  4. What an adventure
    Good Luck at Universal that will be a hard one ..


  5. congratulations! i know you'll do great in the "real world." hope you are enjoying every moment with your sisters!
