Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Long Road Ahead

Yesterday was not a good day for me. I woke up grumpy and was not happy to be here. I was starting to get over all of the sprouts and green drinks. All I really wanted was a pizza. This food is so mundane. Everyday the same thing. Well actually they always throw in something new but it tastes the same as everything else. I was extremely frustrated and all I could think of was how in the world was I going to be able to stick to this diet for the rest of my life? I keep thinking if it was just vegan I could do it. At least things are cooked. You have way more options and the selection is more interesting. I think that there are maybe ten foods that I can even eat. I am not kidding. This is going to be hard. Harder then I ever imagined.

Here at Hippocrates they say that food is very emotional and social. I totally agree. It makes me happy to eat good food. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because all you do is sit around with friends and family and eat. My social calander consists of lunches with friends pretty regularly. The suggestion is that I just order salads and bring sprouts in my purse to put on my salad. Really? This will be an adjustment and it is already a rollercoaster ride. Yesterday, all I could think of was no way can I do this and today I am much more calm and all I keep saying is one day at a time. Let's see what I say tomorrow.

The crazy part is that I missed dinner tonight and I am not even hungry. I am conditioned to want to eat because that's what you do every evening. Also I had been on this diet for over two weeks and I am happy to announce that I have only lost two pounds. It isn't like I am starving or anything. Just craving pizza....and ice cream.....and cheese.....and a good glass of wine....you get the picture.


  1. hi kristine, i'm sorry that this is so hard. we'll need to think of lots of things that don't involve food! fun walks with the dogs and shopping come to mind! i miss you so much and can't wait for you to get home. hang in there! love, jeanna

  2. Kristine,

    I'm so proud of you for going through this program. Just think, you have learned so much, & we have learned so much because of your willingness to share with all of us. Thank you!

    You can SMILE :-) knowing that microwave sales are going down after ALL your family & friends read your post about them. Then think about the poor microwave salesmen....perhaps they should consider picking up an employment application @ Whole Foods.

    Probably a silly question, but does this have to be all or none? You have obviously picked up lots of good info & healthy habits, but can you still have a few not so good/healthy habits? How about a pizza (whole wheat crust of course) with sprouts & spinach or cucumbers & celery? You could always wash it down with wheat-grass.

    Seriously, keep your chin up, & keep writing when you have time, we love reading your entries...Ryan's, too.

    Happy Valentine's Day - I hope you get some heart shaped cucumbers on Thursday!!

    Click your heels.....you're almost home!
    Love, Jill

  3. Kristine--
    Maybe it will just take more than three weeks to find the mojo to eat raw all the time.
    Thinking of making a 100% change all at once must seem really tough. But give yourself credit for taking on the Hippocrates experience, because some people would not have done that for themselves at all. Now that you know the benefits of raw, maybe you can decide with each meal how hardcore you will be in following the diet. If you don't want raw for every meal there MUST be some health benefits of eating 80% raw. Maybe your commitment to raw doesn't have to be all or nothing--unless Dr. Colonic will be following you back to Philadelphia!!!
    Much love,

  4. Hi Kristine. I'm sorry for your frustrations....please hang in there. I am thinking of you and praying that you find what works best for you! Love, Ann

  5. Hi Kristine,
    You hang in there and do what you have to do. I agree with everyone else regarding mostly raw with healthy habits. Just wondering how long you will be there? We are coming down in 2 weeks. I would love to visit you if I could. We almost rented Rod Bitterling's condo! Can you believe that! What a small world. Take care, we think of you often and pray that you remain healthy!! Jodi

  6. happy valentine's day! i'm on board with hoping you have many heart-shaped cucumbers.
    one day at a time and you'll make it(:

  7. Kristine,
    Can you believe you have less than a week to go? You are so close to being totally done and then will have more control when you are in your own environment with your juicer, etc... I'm trying to think of something witty and uplifting to say but truthfully I wish we could switch places and I ncould be on a private warm oasis! Last day with 2 toddlers (if they don't get snowed in)!
    Anyway I miss you so much and can't wait for you to come home!

  8. Happy HEARTS-and-HUGS Day!!!
