Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Real World

I have been slacking a bit on writing everyday. When Ryan arrived I had to move my accomadations to a house that was about a 10 minute walk from the grounds and it wasn't really convenient. Ryan left today and I moved back to my original cabin so I will hopefully be back to my daily update. I was sad to drop Ryan at the airport this morning. We really had a nice time together. He promised to write about his Hippocrates experience tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Today I was excited to see my Mom! She flew to Florida on Thursday to see my sister and my neice. It was supposed to be a surprise but us Becker's are not really good at keeping secrets. OPPS!! Anyway, we left before lunch to drop Ryan at the airport and when we get in the car I smell french fries! They were not going to be tricked into eating raw. They had stopped by Wendy's on the way. They offered to take me to a raw restaurant nearby so I could get something to eat. I was excited to get something different from my same Hippocrates salad.

The raw restaurant opens inside of a pizza place that is closed on the weekends so it is only open Friday-Sunday. I thought it was open all day...big mistake. On Saturdays they are only open for dinner and the pizza place serves the regular menu. So I just make the best of it and order the garden salad to go. We waited about 20 minutes for this salad and we were short on time. Finally it is done and I go up to pay and find that they had put oil and vineager all over it. By this time I am hungry and frustrated and I just figure that I will make the best of it. A little bit of vineager won't kill me.....right??

Then this afternoon we head to Whole Foods to get me something to eat for dinner. I thought this would be an easy task. I guess I just didn't realize how frustrating it is to walk into Whole Foods and still not be able to eat 90% of the food there. I bought some veggies, hummus and used the salad bar. Of course there aren't any salad dressing I could use so a plain salad with radishes and onion is all I can muster up. At this point I have been in the grocery store for almost 30 minutes and have like three things. I then go to the juice bar and ask them if they would consider juiceing some cucumbers and celery for me if I buy them and bring them over. They agreed. So I get all of my organic veggies and bring them over and they put them through the juicer and I end up with a brown juice. WHAT?? Cucumbers and celery are both green. They inform me that they also juice beets and there must still be some beet juice in the machine. Well, I can not have beets. (Too much sugar) I tell them I can't have beet juice and they start to huff and puff and then I do it....I pull out the cancer card. This seems to shut them up for the moment. Anyway, I finally get my juice and do a shot of wheatgrass and we head home. At this point I am really starting to see how frustrating a raw diet is going to be. This is not an easy venture.

The weirdest moment today was when we were trying to get some help at customer service on where we might find some raw products and she asks me if I am vegan. I answer yes but I am thinking to myself no. It just isn't me.....yet. It is going to be a hard transformation. Wish me luck because I am going to need it.


  1. Kristine, I know its not the same but I was vegan for 12 years and it is a tough change. I also did a lot of stressed out shopping in the beginning. I gave up sugar on Wednesday ( for Lent).Everything has sugar in it. Anyway, just breath, focus, and be patient with yourself. Always make a list of things you CAN have. And make a list of foods you can eat in the grocery store and at a restaurant. It is going to be okay. I am praying for you. I love you, Andrea

  2. Hi Kristine. You are doing such a great job and making so many major changes in a short period of time. Give yourself some time to get adjusted and lean on those around you for support. You know better than anyone that you can do whatever you set your mind to. I am praying that things will click with living raw and eventually you will look back and say, "I did it and I am glad that I did it!" Hang in there and keep the FAITH!!! Love, Ann :)
