Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today is my one year anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer. I feel like I could take on the world. I wasn't sure how I would feel when I woke up today but I am so excited for my future. Probably because I know I will have one. As much as this last year has been hard on me I am truely grateful for all I have learned. Cancer was my wake up call to a life I was taking for granted. I have to thank all of you because I beleive that it is all of my friends and family that have given me the strength to stay positive.

I know I have complained about my new raw diet and all of you are right. There are going to be good days and bad. Today I am going to talk about the good. I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY!! I am never really tired. I am also looking forward to not fighting with Ryan about what we are going to eat for dinner. We already know....sprouts. ha ha! The other thing I have found amazing is that when it is time to eat, sometimes I just don't feel like it. I am not on a schedule of breakfast, lunch, dinner. Food is going to fit into my life instead of food dictating when I do things. I will eat when I am hungry instead of when I am supposed to. That is really liberating.

I want to write so much more but once again there is a line for the computer so I must go. I have one last request. Everyone needs to try and have a salad for lunch in honor of my anniversary and I want to hear about what you ordered. Happy lunches for everyone.

I love you all,



  1. Happy Anniversary!!
    Yes a Salad will be had by everyone I know!
    I love you and I admire you for your strength ..Keep trusting life

  2. i am reading this after lunch...and i am embarrassed to tell you i had a balance bar and a coffee..but i will have a SALAD for dinner. miss you!! love, jeanna

  3. Happy Anniversary!!!!!! A salad for the entire family is a must and I will let them know it is in your honor(:) Glad to hear you are having a better day. Love, Ann

  4. Happy Anniversary! You Rock!

    We will dust off the menu from Salad Works in your honor today!

    The Gang from CSC!

  5. Did you feel the love? We all had salads for lunch and toasted you with glasses of water! We miss you and can't wait for you to visit.

    Sprouts & Kisses,

    Pete, Jason, Marcie & Beth
    from the CSC lunch room!

  6. HI!!
    I WISH I could have a salad!! How´s that for irony???? In Costa Rica I can´t get a good salad to save my life!! I´ll have rice and beans like I have for the past 30 meals and think of you the whole time. One more day for you, right?? I am SO proud of you, this is just the beginning.
    love you tons- Leigh

  7. Salad crap! I read this too late! I did eat a sammie from quiznos and it had lettuce and tomatoes on it...beside I am on a new diet to lose the last 10 lbs of baby weight. healthy breakfast, big healthy lunch and no dinner which I then substitute for 2 glasses of wine and have lost 4 lbs in a week-you'd be so proud! Now I was thinking about your dilema with raw food and if the american cancer society says that a glass of red wine a day has health benefits then I have decided that you should do raw for food and red wine for health in the evenings and then maybe one small piece of dark chocolate on special occasions which is also backed by cancer society so how bad could it be? Besides you have learned the tools and you will do well with them but remember surviving cancer is about living your life to its fullest! I might not be the best influence but I do take wheatgrass now and have cut down and microwave and red meat....and Hannah will only eat organic baby food which we start in 2 weeks so baby steps! love you and glad you get to see Rufus and Rybaby soon
    love you Cris
