Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The word stable has always made me uncomfortable. All of you that know me personally will understand what I mean. I always kind of felt that stable would include a nice 2 car garage in the suburbs with 2.2 kids and the perfect ken doll husband. Now let's not get the wrong idea, there is nothing wrong with wanting or having any of that in your life. It just wasn't my thing. Usually when I started to feel too comfortable somewhere I would pick up and move just to keep it interesting. It was a lifestyle I enjoyed. The only rules I ever had were to not buy anything that wouldn't fit in my car and I never wanted to hear myself say, "I wish I could do that."

Today was one of the first times in my life that I welcomed someone calling me stable. You see I have been holding out on all of you with the fact that I had my follow-up scans on last Thursday. Dr Staddon said that things looked pretty much the same as my last scans. Exactly what every cancer patient hopes to hear. I knew in my head and my heart that everything was going to be fine. Now my goal is to just keep it that way.

Of course, my family and a few close friends knew about my appointment today. Everyone kept asking me if I was worried or stressed. I knew it would be normal to feel that way but I just kept telling myself that worrying about it does not change the results. Besides I have to believe in my mind that cancer is behind me and the rest of my stable or unstable life is ahead. I do know that whatever lies ahead I will embrace it with open arms. I have learned so much this past year and feel truly grateful for everyday to come. I really can not wait to see what tomorrow brings. It is funny that I no longer feel the need to move to another city to keep things interesting. Life has a funny way of doing that for me.


  1. :) :) :)

    Thank God, Bill

  2. Stable = Great News!
    So happy to hear the news!
    Live Each day as you can and worrying so can't change anything - you go that right!

  3. Congratulations. In fact, let me say that again--CONGRATULATIONS! I am so glad that your good health was confirmed in those scans. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Maybe we can do a shot of wheatgrass to celebrate stability? I've never had one, and can't think of a better reason to try it out!!
    Much love,

  4. Hey, what great news for you and all that know you to celebrate! I am so happy for you and your loved ones......you are so deserving of a fresh start in life. Enjoy the happiness you feel and keep the FAITH!!!! Love, Ann

  5. Hey there! What fantastic news!!! There is something to be said for stability. I can't wait to hear about the next chapter of your life. I hope it involves simply enjoying just being! Keep up the veggies!Love ya,
    Shannon H.

  6. Stable Mable! Yahooooo! Great news! You kicked cancer in the butt baby.

    Love ya a bunch!

    Beth & Mike Mason

  7. Great News!!!
    We had a drink on you in the Detroit Airport on our way home from Texas when your mom called with the news. Love Liz & Jack

    We are so happy for you!
    Love, The Boydstons

  9. Kristine---I have been praying for the past year to read this on the blog...You don't know how proud I am of you for the courageous way you have handled your cancer. Keep sending the info about this diet--I think it is very interesting.Love ya ---Aunt Elaine

  10. Praise Be - Thank the Lord - This is the best news I have heard in a long time. Congrats to you and your family - see there is a silver lining in every cloud. May you cntinue on yith your new born health. Deb W

  11. i'm so happy for you. : )

