Thursday, October 30, 2008

Keep Phighting!

Just a quick update to say that Kristine is doing great. She enjoyed the floor bike pedels so much the other day in physical therapy that she has started going down the hall to the "gym" to pedal away in the morning. She also had her staples removed from her head. They looked a lot more intimidating in her head than out.

I also thought I'd give a shout out to the Philadelphia Phillies after their big World Series win. The car horns were sounding off all night in the city. It seems like it's a good year to be in Philly and overcome the odds. Keep up the good philly phight 'stine, we're all rooting for you.


  1. O Becker, you always were one for the stationary bike, especially the recumbent :) Keep up the good work and get those muscles energized... you can do it!!!
    Thanks Ry for keeping us so up to date. It means the world to me and everyone out here in cyberspace! :)

  2. Hi,

    So glad you are doing better.I miss seeing you and RuRu in the morning. We will have to miss handing out candy on Halloween, but The drive- by treaters will just have to wait. We will be in Tampa for a wedding this weekend(and making fun of the locals: Go Phillies!. I will come to visit and beat you at Yatzee next week!


  3. This life long Phillies fan thanks you for the wishes, Ryan. And as a newer Kristine fan I sure hope her incredible spirit keeps her Phighting.

  4. Wow, what a trooper she is. Peddling away... I can see it now. She is just not one to be sedentary. Sending more vibes your way. Love you, Leigh

  5. keep on peddling, stine! we're all cheering for you over in cleveland!
    love, debbie & the boys
    ps. boo! happy halloween i have 2 underdogs going out tonight and a spiderman. my lack of sewing is really shining through. hopefully my boys don't notice! ; )

  6. Can you feel the Glide spirit....Diana went Sunday with vibes out to you both. Meanwhile I search for Catholic churches with real candles to light. Feel the energy from California...
    Trevor is a "nerd" today and Connor is covered with $$$ aka Moneyman. We are going to Harry Potter row....
    As for the Dad would be so happy as I am :) The east coast rocks right now!!!!

  7. Hello Kristine, I am Ericas` younger sister, Trina. I just wanted to thank you for being such a dear person to my sister. She and I are about a year apart. What can I say to you, the person who has done so much, from running a fundraiser for Erica, to being there to share with her in her pain. Thank you just doesn't seem to cut it. I pray for the cure of cancer for you both.Just know that I think you are a very strong person, who is loved and cherished by people,even people you have never met, like me.

  8. As the Phillies celebrate their victory with a parade down Broad Street today, I can't help but think there should be parades and fireworks for Kristine!!! Even though it's no surprise that she continues to bring her A game every single day--that's just who she is--I think it still deserves celebration!
    Much love,

  9. Hi Kristine,
    Cousin Audy here! Holy Moly are one tough cookie. Buster and I are going to take a trip over to see your dad on Monday. It's the closest I can get to connecting with you right now and besides, I love the dickens out of him! Ryan, I hope to meet you someday...thanks for all you do and for who you are, not just for my cuz, but for eveyone who knows and loves her.

  10. Hi Kristine & Ryan

    Jane gave me your blog address she must of got fed up with me asking after you all the time!

    I think you are a true star, an amazing person and was truly privileged to have met you in Hippocrates. I am sending you all my love and support from across the waters London UK. Ryan you are a trooper.

    Much love and kisses and big hugs to you both

    Love Grazia xxxx

  11. By the way the comments you made about your GI Jane hair cut, you genuinely looked beautiful with short hair, there are not many women that can carry of such a short hair cut but boy you certainly did, not only are you beautiful on the outside but inside too.

    Grazia xxxxxx

  12. Hi there! I'm Rach from Michigan. Jimmy and Connie are my aun t and uncle, and just about the most awesome people alive! I have been following your Blog. You are such an inspiration to us all.

  13. Kristine- So happy to hear you are doing better! Keep up the good work and in a couple of weeks you will be amazed at how far you have come and what your body can and will do! You are a hero and an inspiration to me. I think of you often when I'm having what I think is a "bad day"! Also, I refer to you when teaching my kids life lessons and how blessed we are and being positive and optimistic! The cup is half full girl keep going and I'm praying for you and your family! Love to you Cherie

  14. Dear Kristine,
    My name is Calvin. Erica is my Auntie. I am seven years old. I hope you feel better soon! Love, Calvin. XO

  15. The Blog page did't roll to Nov. automatically. If you are looking for a Nov. update, go to the archive on the right and click the November heading. Hope it wasn't just's
