Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Leg Up

Kristine's father Jim and I went on a wild goose hunt yesterday. We drove around the city in search of a delicious black & white milkshake. Jim nearly thought he had lost his mind when I dropped him off at 18th street and told him that Ben & Jerry's was just a block in the other direction. He must of walked up and down the block 6 times before I jumped out to validate that the location had closed. Desperate for a laugh I thought about driving up another couple of blocks and to repeat the whole scenario and mess with him a little, but thought better of it. We finally found what we were looking for at another Ben & Jerry's almost 30 blocks away.

Meanwhile, the neurosurgeon who conducted Kristine's brain operation, Dr. Lee, and his resident stopped by Kristine's hospital room. Dr. Lee asked Kristine how she was doing and then matter of factly stated, "Well, you will walk again." It was the first time that the doctor had been optimistic about the recovery let alone so flat out affirmative. Kristine, incredulously, said that this was hard to imagine given her current state of immobility. Dr. Lee's resident chimed in and said, "you can move your leg now." Silence fell upon the room with Kristine's mom, Connie, and sister, Stephanie, standing by. Puzzled, Kristine informed them that she had not and could not move her leg nor her arm. At this the doctor disagreed and told her to lift her leg off the bed. There was a pause. Her leg laid still. Then slowly Kristine looked down at her limb and lifted it up off the bed several inches. In disbelief Connie said to Kristine, "I didn't know you could do that!" Kristine replied, "I didn't either!"

Kristine broke into simultaneous laughter and tears the instant she witnessed her accomplishment and again when Jim and I returned with milkshakes to hear and see the story recreated. This is a badly needed catalyst to motivate Kristine forward. Dr. Lee did say that her arm may take longer but generally that she was progressing quite nicely. They are keeping Kristine in the hospital until Friday to evaluate her under the new medication for her irregular heartbeat. Then it's off to rehab.


  1. Love to both of you and it's great to hear the latest good news!
    Love the Johnstons

  2. Thank you, Ryan, for the uplifting entry. That is a great way to start the day! Go Kristine!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good morning Kristine,
    What wonderful news from Dr.Lee! I'm so happy and full of joy for you and your family!
    FYI - Little Pete's on 17th and Chancellor( btwn Walnut and Locust) makes yummy black and white milkshakes! And, it's close to rehab! yeah!!!!
    Kathy and Ruby xoxo

  5. Oh boy, here comes the waterworks. Keep it...up? Yeah, keep lifting that leg up! More good vibes coming your way.~~~~~~

  6. this is wonderful to read! it must have been SO exciting. take care of yourself!

  7. love the new picture!!!!

  8. un-f'en-believable!!!!!!!! Great news to start my day. Thank you. And I love the new picture! - windy

  9. I am sure you can hear the laughter and tears from out here in SF. We are with you both all the way.
    Love, E T and C xxx

  10. Yay! You always had great legs. :)

    Cathy F.

  11. That is awesome news!!!!

    Jen DeVoll

  12. WoW!!! What an amazing thing to hear that there was such a moment of JOY yesterday!!! Kristine, I hope that soon you will be celebrating with a "Yahtzee" dance!
    Much love,

  13. OMG that's awesome !!!!! Any chance you can keep Dr Lee's resident around. He seems to be the predictor of unknown progress. That story was incredible, The milkshake story was a hoot too ! This feels very good this morning , it feels like good vibes everywhere.
    Happy Trails, Bill & Vicki XXX

  14. Kristine & Ryan,

    I am a friend of Erica's from Iowa City. I want you both to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. God brought you two together for a good reason as you both are facing very tough cancer trials and tribulations.

    Many postive thoughts and definitely some big cyber hugs are coming your way!

    Mike Diers

  15. It won't be long now until you're doing russians and herkies and stags. I am so excited to hear the great news. Keep up the good work! Michele Gendregske-Wolfe

  16. Wow! All I can say is Yeehaw! Shannon again! In case Erica didn't tell you I'm from Kansas originally and we have lots of cowboys out there! Keep riden' girl! All my love and wishes! Shannon

  17. What amazing news! I found this quote yesterday and I think sharing it with you today seems appropriate...."You have 2 choices in life, you can laugh or you can cry, which would you rather do? No matter what you do it is always better to be smiling." You keep practicing for the rockettes!
    You and your family are in my prayers!
    Jody Gingerich (Friend of Erica)

  18. What encouraging news! I imagine this progress in the impetus Kristine needed to keep fighting. Maybe the prayers of so many people are being answered. I echo Kathy's sentiments about Little Pete's milkshakes -- and they deliver -- as do I if you give me a heads up. In the meantime, you are close in my thoughts and prayers and I hope to hear more progress soon. xoLiz

  19. Kristine, you NEVER cease to amaze me!!! Hey, why can't you always hang out with Dr. Lee? What positive and motivating news for ALL of you. Wishing you many more laughs and continued progress! Love, Ann

  20. Ryan,it's so wonderful to here about Kristines leg movement.
    Kristines will to fight is just undiscribable and at the same time amazing.My blessings and LOVE go out to you both ,also to her encouraging and loving family. Give her a big hug for me.


  21. Kristine, I've been praying for you!!!!! Hooray for you, you keep it up,keep positive thoughts with you and gain strength!!!!!

  22. Wonderful news - keep it up Kristine - you can do it - prayers continue to come for you and good thoughts - looking forward to hearing more good news from rehab - Deb and Brent

  23. Great news! Pretty soon you'll be kicking that leg up over your head. That is one trick you do that I've always found amazing!

    We love you and are sending you lots of positive energy.

    Love ya,

    Beth & Mike

  24. Kristine and family, the prayers are coming in from the Saginaw YMCA of all places!! Lori Vantol(IKE 87) and Abby Erway(HHS89) asked about you at our kids' swim practice tonight! Hearts are wide open all over Saginaw for YOU!!
    Keep up that tenacious spirit; That's why I love you.
    Rachel Sawley-Wasmer

  25. Kristine and Ryan,
    You both look beautiful,I LOVE the new picture.
    I am sending lots of hugs,You know how I love to
    collect them!!!
    Much Love Always,
    Aunt JUDE

  26. Hi Kristine. My name is Sherry and I am a long time friend of Erica and Tim's. I met her when she was 15 years old. I could not help but smile and laugh right along with you as I read your entry today. I absolutely LOVE your sassiness and sense of humor!! Way to go girl. (I was a cheerleader WAY back in my day too....keep up the leg lifts)!! Your strength and optimism is phenomenal : ) I thank you for bringing so much joy into my dear friends life. You are simply amazing and what a gift from God you are. I will be cheering and routing for you from here in Minnesota. Much love to you and Ryan with only positive thoughts coming your way.
    Love and prayers from Minnesota, Sherry & Tommy

  27. I KNEW IT!!

    Stine - your brain can talk to your leg.

    You could walk again.
    You could run again.
    You could dance again.

    If only you were head strong and feisty.

  28. Kristine and Family-
    wanting you to know that we are praying for you and only thinking positive for you!
    Friend of Erica's

    Rachel,from Minnesota

  29. Great news!! And Cathy's entry just reminded me, you were voted BEST legs in our class...along with John Leonard. :-) Go Kristine!!
