Friday, October 3, 2008

Taking It All In

This has been a crazy experience to say the least. I have been pretty much just going by the seat of my pants, which I am pretty good at. When I arrived the first night I stayed with my friend Julie in a bueatiful house in a private area of Guayaquil. The next day I was to move to a B and B near the doctors home. The problem was it was sold out. When we arrived the doctor told me that he had many friends I could stay with. At that moment 2 of his friends came by and told us about another B and B only 5 blocks away. They immediatley took me over and set me up. They were so nice to help a complete stranger. To be honest everyone I have met has been extremely nice. So The room is small but clean and the area seems pretty safe.

That afternoon Julie and I met with the doctor and she took off around 1pm and left me on my own. I then sat at his house for the next 5 hours while a constant stream of patients came and went. In between patients he talked to me. He believes that cancer in part stems from unresolved issues in life or conflicts with other people. However he also told me that the cancer I have is so serious that I must have killed someone. (I have not, just in case you were wondering.) This is just the beginning of some of the theories he has about cancer. I could go on and on but I think you are gettng the point. My friend Julie told me that I need to just take everything he says with a grain of salt because he is really brilliant and has helped her to be rid of her cancer. I will agree he has a lot of knowledge on natural ways of healing. It just comes out a little scattered.

Right now I am really tryng hard to not make a knee jerk reation and come home on the next plane. Today I have finally started my treatment with oleander every hour. It is supposed to make me feel sick to my stomach at some point and then he will know how strong the cancer is in my body. It is about time for my next juice/oleander so I better get going. I hope I didn't freak any of you out. I am really O.K. Just trying to adjust to this situation.


  1. Good luck and Trust Life - we know you didn't kill anyone!

    Take care of yourself


  2. Good luck and Trust Life - we know you didn't kill anyone!

    Take care of yourself


  3. maybe the doctor is thinking of all of the hearts you broke!!! we miss you and are thinking about you!!! love, jeanna

  4. Humm .. Do you think maybe a few plans about doing your Mother in through your teenage years??
    Love you .. Mom :)

  5. Wow
    Maybe I need to get down there asap. Looking at flights. Trust your judment just want to be there for support, this sched nazis is feeling worried for you. Remember hiking from cruise ship to 11 mile beach. You wanted to stop at every house and have a beer, I was terrified. I fell in love with you that day! I always have thought you possessed super powers, now I know you do! My hero...can't wait to see you! Love u

  6. Kristine......If all you need is oleander, I have two trees in my yard....bring your juicer and we'll have a party.

    Love you


  7. Kristine, I sure hope you know what you are doing. Lung nodules are dangerous and yours are not small they are extremely large and the potential for spreading is great. Leiomyosarcoma is a deadly cancer especially when its in the lungs. I don't know what doctor would tell you that you have time to try something else, that would be quack doctor. You need surgery or medical treatment. You only have 1 chance at life and you are throwing it away. Please see a sarcoma doctor before its too late!!! Much hope to you.

  8. Wow- this all sounds so fascinating. I love you for following your instincts and trying this, there are certainly many ways to heal. I think of you daily, have a wonderful adventure and I know you are there for a reason.

  9. we love you kristine, matt and simone

  10. Kristine,
    Just reading all the comments is cracking me up. I think that Jeanna and your Mom may be on to something. I'm sure that is what he is picking up from you. We know that you did not murder anyone....

    Just another chapter to add to "Trust Life", paperback to be released when??? I'll wait for the movie....


  11. Sending you some love, blog style : )
    You're doing what you believe to be best for you and I continue to admire your brave choices. I've been thinking of you lots.

    Good luck, HUGE hug and Much love...........

  12. Good Morning Kristine
    You can't imagine how many people are reading your blog and waiting for the next posting. I know
    Daddy and I are. I know you must feel so alone, but remember we are here for you.
    Love you
    Mom and Dad

  13. Kristine,
    You are following your heart and your gut instincts - which are both powerful tools. I have admired your honesty and bravery throughout your fight, and now am awed at the willpower this trek has required you to muster up. My thoughts are with you constantly as you continue your battle.

    Lisa (Stahl) Eischer

  14. Hi Kristine. I wish I had some crazy story to tell you to get your mind off of all of the serious drama that you are going through right now, but I just have the simple stuff going on! What in the hell do you have going on??? You need to get this squared up and write a book sister....can you see it now, best seller and movie staring Demi Moore ( you are more beautiful though!) On a serious note, good luck figuring out what the hell to do, I have no advice...who are any of we to tell you what you should do? All I know is that you are one brave girl and if you get to the point where you have had enough there then set your pride aside and get home to your family. Maybe things will turn around there and you will get the strong vibe to stay the whole time...I pray that you get a sign to give you some guidance. I love you dearly and pray for you everyday! Keep the faith - Ann
